
3 Jul 2017

No Prayer, No Work

126 No Prayer, No Work

1. Prayer is not a ritual, and it has meaning in many, many aspects. From prayer, you can see that one is directly serving God. If you take it as a ritual, you certainly cannot serve God well. If you do not pray to God with your heart and do not pray genuinely, in God’s eyes you do not count and do not exist. Then you won’t have the Holy Spirit’s working. From now on, no prayer, no work. It is prayer that brings forth work and brings forth service. You say you are one who serves God, but if you never, never put effort into your prayer and are never serious with your prayer, your service in whatever way will fail.

2. If you can often come before God and can often, can often pray, it proves that you take God seriously, you take God seriously. If you often make no prayer and do things by yourself, doing this or that thing behind God’s back, you are not, not serving God but carrying out your own management. Then aren’t you condemned? Outwardly you seem to cause no, cause no disturbance and speak no blasphemy, but you are doing your own things. Then aren’t you causing disruption? Although outwardly you seem to cause no disruption, in nature, in nature you are resisting God.

from “The Significance and Practice of Prayer” in Records of Christ’s Talks With Leaders and Workers of the Church

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