
Showing posts with label Books of the Church of Almighty God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books of the Church of Almighty God. Show all posts

20 Aug 2017

Expression of Almighty God | The Second Utterance

Expression of Almighty God | The Second Utterance
Following the undertaking of the new approach, there will be new steps in My work. As it is in the kingdom, I will do things directly through divinity, leading every step of the way, precise to the finest detail, and absolutely free of any adulteration with human intentions. The following outlines the ways of actual practice: As it is through hardship and refinement that they have earned the title of the “people,” and as they are the people of My kingdom, I must hold them to stringent requirements, which are higher than the methods of My work for previous generations. It is not only the reality of words, but even more importantly it is the reality of practice, and this must first be achieved. In all words and deeds, they must meet the standards required of the people of the kingdom, and any offenders will immediately be removed, to avoid shame coming to My name. However, those ignorant who cannot see clearly, and cannot understand are an exception. In the construction of My kingdom, pay attention to eating and drinking the words I speak, understand My wisdom, and corroborate through My work. Whoever pays mind to the words of a book that is not Mine is absolutely unwanted by Me; this is a harlot who is defiant of Me. As an apostle, one must not dwell at home for too long. If this cannot be done, I will discard and no longer use him. I do not force him. Since apostles are not at home for long, it is through spending long periods of time in the church that they are edified. Of every two assemblies of the churches, apostles must participate at least once. So, co-workers’ assemblies must become regular (co-workers’ assemblies include: all apostle assemblies, all church leader assemblies, and all assemblies for saints who have clear insight). At least some of you must attend each assembly, and apostles only pay attention to watching over the churches. The requirements previously made of saints have become more profound. For those who had committed offenses before I bore witness to My name, due to their devotion to Me, I will still use them once they have been tested by Me. However, for those who commit an offense again after My testimony and are determined to turn over a new leaf, such people only remain within the church. Still, they cannot be careless and wanton, but rather must be more constrained than others. As for those who do not mend their ways after I have uttered My voice, My Spirit will leave them immediately, and the church will have the right to carry out My judgment, and make them leave the church. This is absolute, and there can be no extra room for consideration. If one collapses in the trial, that is, he leaves, no one should pay any mind to that person, so as to avoid testing Me and allowing Satan to enter the church in madness. This is My judgment of him. Whoever does unrighteousness and acts based on their emotions will also not be numbered among My people, not just the one who defected. Another function of apostles is to focus on spreading the gospel. Of course, saints can also do this work, but they must be wise in doing so, and must refrain from stirring up trouble. The above are the current ways of practice. Also, as a reminder, you must pay attention to making your sermons more profound, so that all may enter the reality of My words. You must closely follow My words, and make it so all people may understand them clearly, and unambiguously. This is most crucial. Those among My people who harbor thoughts of betrayal must be expelled, and must not be allowed to stay long in My house, lest they bring insult to My name.

18 Aug 2017

Almighty God’s Words| The First Utterance

Almighty God’s Words| The First Utterance
Do those who witness My words really accept them? Do you really know Me? Have you truly learned obedience? Do you sincerely expend yourselves for Me? Have you really borne strong, unyielding witness to Me in the face of the great red dragon? Does your devotion truly humiliate the great red dragon? Only through the trial of My words can I achieve My goal of purifying the church and choosing those who truly love Me. For how else could anyone understand Me? Who can understand My majesty, My wrath, and My wisdom through My words? I will finish what I have started, but still it is I who measures the hearts of men. In truth, no man fully understands Me, so I guide them with words, and lead them into a new era this way. In the end I will complete all of My work through My words, and bring those who truly love Me back to My kingdom, to live before My throne. The situation is not what it once was, and My work has entered a new starting point. That being so, there will be a new approach: Those who read My word and accept it as their very life are the people of My kingdom. Since they are in My kingdom, they are My people in the kingdom. Because they are guided by My words, although they are referred to as My people, this title is not at all inferior to being called My “sons.” As My people, all must be faithful in My kingdom and fulfill their duties, and those who offend My administrative decrees must receive My punishment. This is My warning to all.