
Showing posts with label kingdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kingdom. Show all posts

14 Feb 2019

Musical Drama "Every Nation Worships Almighty God" | Praise the Return of the Lord (English Dubbed)

Musical Drama "Every Nation Worships Almighty God" | Praise the Return of the Lord

Under a starry, quiet and peaceful night sky, a group of Christians earnestly awaiting the return of the Savior sing and dance to cheerful music. When they hear the joyful news "God has returned" and "God has uttered new words", they are surprised and excited. They think: "God has returned? He has already appeared?" With curiosity and uncertainty, one after another, they step into the journey of seeking God's new words. In their arduous seeking, some people are questioning while others simply accept it. Some people look on without comment, while others make suggestions and search for answers in the Bible—they look but in the end it is fruitless…. Just when they become discouraged, a witness brings them a copy of the Age of Kingdom Bible, and they are deeply attracted to the words in the book. What kind of book is this really? Have they actually found the new words that God has uttered in that book? Have they welcomed the appearance of God?

7 Jan 2019

The Church of Almighty God | Christian Film Clip - The Jews Going Into Exile Abroad and the Gospel of the Heavenly Kingdom Being Disseminated

Christian Film Clip - The Jews Going Into Exile Abroad and the Gospel of the Heavenly Kingdom Being Disseminated

After the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, the Jews were cast into exile throughout the world, causing the gospel of the kingdom of heaven to spread to every corner of the globe. Thus do we behold that the wisdom of God is higher than the heavens, and that His deeds are unfathomably miraculous.

Watch more: 
Are Almighty God and the Lord Jesus One God?

11 Dec 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Worship song | God Will Restore the Meaning of His Creation of Man

God created humanity,
placed them on the earth
and led them to the present day.
He served as a sin offering
and through this He saved man.
In the end He still must conquer,
restore man to his original state.
Since the beginning this is the work
that He has engaged in.
He will establish His kingdom,
restore His authority upon the earth
as well as man's state.
He will restore His authority
among all He created.

4 Dec 2018

The Church of Almighty God | New Christian Song 2018 "The Incarnate God Leads Mankind Into a New Era"

The incarnate God, He brings to an end the age when only Jehovah's back was seen. He also concludes the age of belief when in vagueness God was perceived. The work of the last incarnate God brings man to a more practical age. The work He does brings all mankind to a more pleasant and realistic time. He ends the age of vagueness, He concludes the age when man wished to seek God's face but was unable to back then. He ends man's service to Satan, to a new age man is led. All this is achieved by the work of God in the flesh, instead of God's Spirit alone.

14 Mar 2018

Christian song | Singing of the Arrival of the Millennial Kingdom

Kingdom, God's word, praise, salvation, glory

Singing of the Arrival of the Millennial Kingdom

The Millennial Kingdom
has now come to earth.
Woo oh … Woo oh …
God's word has conquered the world,
established and completed all.
Woo oh … Woo oh …
God's reign is absolute,
we see with our own eyes.
God's word lives among us,
in all our moves and thoughts.

13 Oct 2017

The Church of Almighty God | Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “Christ Does the Work of Judgment With the Truth” (V)

How to Know the God on Earth

The Church of Almighty God | Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “Christ Does the Work of Judgment With the Truth” (V)


  “Christ Does the Work of Judgment With the Truth

  The work of the last days is to separate all according to their kind, to conclude the management plan of God, for the time is near and the day of God has come. God brings all who have entered His kingdom, that is, all those who have been loyal to Him to the end, into the age of God Himself. However, before the coming of the age of God Himself, the work that God desires to do is not to observe the deeds of man or to inquire about the lives of man, but to judge his rebellion, for God shall purify all those who come before His throne. All those who have followed the footsteps of God to this day are those who have come before the throne of God, hence all who accept the last of God’s work are those to be purified by God. In other words, all those who accept the last of God’s work are those who will be judged by God.

27 Sept 2017

Believing in God Should Focus on Reality, Not Religious Rituals

Believing in God Should Focus on Reality, Not Religious Rituals

The Church of Almighty God | Believing in God Should Focus on Reality, Not Religious Rituals

  How many religious customs do you observe? How many times have you rebelled against the word of God and gone your own way? How many times have you put into practice the word of God because you are truly considerate of His burdens and seek to fulfill His desire? Understand the word of God and put it into action. Be principled in your actions and deeds; this is not abiding by rules or to do so grudgingly just for show. Rather, this is the practice of truth and living by the word of God. Only practice such as this satisfies God. Any custom that pleases God is not a rule but the practice of truth.

20 Aug 2017

Expression of Almighty God | The Second Utterance

Expression of Almighty God | The Second Utterance
Following the undertaking of the new approach, there will be new steps in My work. As it is in the kingdom, I will do things directly through divinity, leading every step of the way, precise to the finest detail, and absolutely free of any adulteration with human intentions. The following outlines the ways of actual practice: As it is through hardship and refinement that they have earned the title of the “people,” and as they are the people of My kingdom, I must hold them to stringent requirements, which are higher than the methods of My work for previous generations. It is not only the reality of words, but even more importantly it is the reality of practice, and this must first be achieved. In all words and deeds, they must meet the standards required of the people of the kingdom, and any offenders will immediately be removed, to avoid shame coming to My name. However, those ignorant who cannot see clearly, and cannot understand are an exception. In the construction of My kingdom, pay attention to eating and drinking the words I speak, understand My wisdom, and corroborate through My work. Whoever pays mind to the words of a book that is not Mine is absolutely unwanted by Me; this is a harlot who is defiant of Me. As an apostle, one must not dwell at home for too long. If this cannot be done, I will discard and no longer use him. I do not force him. Since apostles are not at home for long, it is through spending long periods of time in the church that they are edified. Of every two assemblies of the churches, apostles must participate at least once. So, co-workers’ assemblies must become regular (co-workers’ assemblies include: all apostle assemblies, all church leader assemblies, and all assemblies for saints who have clear insight). At least some of you must attend each assembly, and apostles only pay attention to watching over the churches. The requirements previously made of saints have become more profound. For those who had committed offenses before I bore witness to My name, due to their devotion to Me, I will still use them once they have been tested by Me. However, for those who commit an offense again after My testimony and are determined to turn over a new leaf, such people only remain within the church. Still, they cannot be careless and wanton, but rather must be more constrained than others. As for those who do not mend their ways after I have uttered My voice, My Spirit will leave them immediately, and the church will have the right to carry out My judgment, and make them leave the church. This is absolute, and there can be no extra room for consideration. If one collapses in the trial, that is, he leaves, no one should pay any mind to that person, so as to avoid testing Me and allowing Satan to enter the church in madness. This is My judgment of him. Whoever does unrighteousness and acts based on their emotions will also not be numbered among My people, not just the one who defected. Another function of apostles is to focus on spreading the gospel. Of course, saints can also do this work, but they must be wise in doing so, and must refrain from stirring up trouble. The above are the current ways of practice. Also, as a reminder, you must pay attention to making your sermons more profound, so that all may enter the reality of My words. You must closely follow My words, and make it so all people may understand them clearly, and unambiguously. This is most crucial. Those among My people who harbor thoughts of betrayal must be expelled, and must not be allowed to stay long in My house, lest they bring insult to My name.

8 Aug 2017

Expression of Almighty God | How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work

Eastern Lightning,Almighty God,The Church of Almighty God,Kingdom

Part one
First, let’s sing a hymn: The Kingdom Anthem (I) The Kingdom Has Descended on the World
God’s kingdom has come on earth; God’s person is full and rich. Who can stand still and not rejoice? Who can stand still and not dance? Oh Zion, raise your banner of victory to celebrate for God. Sing your song of victory to spread His holy name over the world. Countless people praise God with joy, countless voices exalt His name. Look at His awesome deeds; now His kingdom on earth has come.

23 Jul 2017

Almighty God| Second Coming of Jesus Christ| Attending the Heavenly Feast | Gospel Movie "Caught the Last Train"

When the Lord comes again, will He descend with the clouds, or will He come as secretly as a thief? How will you face the second coming of the Lord?What kind of person will be raptured into the kingdom of heaven?