
Showing posts with label God works. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God works. Show all posts

23 Aug 2019

A Hymn of God's Word | "God's Pity on Mankind"

1. “Pity” can be understood in different ways. It means to love, protect, and care. “Pity” means to be deeply attached to. It also means caring, but caring too much to hurt. All in all, it’s a reflection of love and tenderness, or expression of feeling that you won’t give them up. All in all, it’s a reflection of love and tenderness, or expression of feeling that you won’t give them up. This is God’s mercy and His tolerance to man. Although God used a word common to the human, but it carries the voice of His heart and His attitude toward man. When God spoke, all was revealed in full.

31 Jul 2019

God's Word | "God Himself, the Unique VII" (Part 3) - "God Is the Source of Life for All Things (I)"

Almighty God says, "God made all things interconnected, mutually intertwined, and interdependent. He used this method and these rules to maintain the survival and existence of all things and in this way mankind has lived quietly and peacefully and has grown and multiplied from one generation to the next in this living environment up to the present day. God balances the natural environment to ensure mankind's survival. If God's regulation and control were not in place, no man could maintain and balance the environment, even if it was created by God in the first place—this still can't ensure mankind's survival. So you can see that God handles it all perfectly!" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).


4 Principles on How to Get Closer to God

8 Jul 2019

God's word | Though Mankind Has Been Corrupted, He Still Lives Under the Sovereignty of the Creator’s Authority

    Satan has been corrupting mankind for thousands of years. It has wrought untold amounts of evil, has deceived generation after generation, and has committed heinous crimes in the world. It has abused man, deceived man, seduced man to oppose God, and has committed evil acts that have confounded and impaired God’s plan of management time and time again. Yet, under the authority of God, all things and living creatures continue to abide by the rules and laws set down by God. Compared to the authority of God, Satan’s evil nature and rampancy are so ugly, so disgusting and despicable, and so small and vulnerable. Even though Satan walks among all things created by God, it is not able to enact the slightest change in the people, things, and objects commanded by God. Several thousand years have passed, and mankind still enjoys the light and air bestowed by God, still breathes the breath exhaled by God Himself, still enjoys the flowers, birds, fish and insects created by God, and enjoys all the things provided by God; day and night still continually replace each other; the four seasons alternate as usual; the geese flying in the sky depart in this winter, and still return in the next spring; the fish in the water never leave the rivers and lakes—their home; the cicadas on the ground sing their hearts out during the summer days; the crickets in the grass gently hum in time to the wind during autumn; the geese gather into flocks, while the eagles remain solitary; the prides of lions sustain themselves by hunting; the elk don’t stray from the grass and flowers…. Every kind of living creature amongst all things departs and returns, and then departs again, a million changes occurring in the twinkling of an eye—but what doesn’t change are their instincts and the laws of survival. They live under the provision and nourishment of God, and no one can change their instincts, and neither can anyone impair their rules of survival. Although mankind, who lives among all things, has been corrupted and deceived by Satan, man still cannot forgo the water made by God, and the air made by God, and all things made by God, and man still lives and proliferates in this space created by God. The instincts of mankind have not changed. Man still relies on his eyes to see, on his ears to hear, on his brain to think, on his heart to understand, on his legs and feet to walk, on his hands to work, and so on; all the instincts that God bestowed upon man in order that he could accept the provision of God remain unaltered, the faculties through which man cooperates with God have not changed, mankind’s faculty for performing the duty of a created being has not changed, mankind’s spiritual needs have not changed, mankind’s desire to find his origins has not changed, mankind’s yearning to be saved by the Creator has not changed. Such are the current circumstances of mankind, who lives under the authority of God, and who has endured the bloody destruction wrought by Satan. Though mankind has been subjected to the oppression of Satan, and is no longer Adam and Eve from the beginning of creation, instead being full of things that are antagonistic to God, such as knowledge, imagination, notions, and so on, and full of the corrupt satanic disposition, in the eyes of God, mankind is still the same mankind that He created. Mankind is still ruled and orchestrated by God, and still lives within the course set out by God, and so in the eyes of God, mankind, who has been corrupted by Satan, is merely covered in grime, with a rumbling tummy, with reactions that are a little slow, a memory that’s not as good as it used to be, and of a slightly older age—but all the functions and instincts of man are completely undamaged. This is the mankind that God intends to save. This mankind has but to hear the call of the Creator, and hear the voice of the Creator, and he will stand up and rush to locate the source of this voice. This mankind has but to see the figure of the Creator and he will become heedless of all else, and forsake everything, in order to devote himself to God, and will even lay down his life for Him. When the heart of mankind understands the heartfelt words of the Creator, mankind will reject Satan and come to the side of the Creator; when mankind has completely washed the dirt from his body, and has once more received the provision and nourishment of the Creator, then the memory of mankind will be restored, and at this time mankind will have truly returned to the dominion of the Creator.

from “God Himself, the Unique I” in The Word Appears in the 

Recommendation: Christian Reflections

28 Jun 2019

Praise & Worship Song | "God’s Authority Is Unique" | God Is Great

Christian Praise & Worship Song | "God’s Authority Is Unique"

God’s authority is unique; it’s His special expression and essence, 
which no other beings possess, created or non-created. 
The Creator alone has such power, God the Unique has this substance. 
God created everything, He holds dominion over them all. 
He controls not just some planets, not only part of creation or all mankind.
But He holds all in His mighty hands, great or small, visible or not, 
from the stars to the tiny cells, and all beings that exist in other forms. 
This is precisely what is meant by the “everything” that God controls.God’s authority seems hard to fathom, but it’s not abstract at all.