
Showing posts with label God's work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's work. Show all posts

17 Jan 2020

God's Word | You Should Know How the Whole of Humanity Has Developed to the Present Day (Part One)

God's Word | You Should Know How the Whole of Humanity Has Developed to the Present Day (Part One)


Almighty God says, "All of His work is the most actual work. He carries out His work according to the development of the times, and He carries out His most actual work according to the changes of things. For Him, carrying out work is akin to administering medicine to an illness; He observes while doing His work; He works according to His observations. In every stage of His work, He is capable of expressing His ample wisdom and expressing His ample ability; He reveals His ample wisdom and ample authority according to the work of that particular age and allows any of those people brought back by Him during those ages to see His entire disposition. He supplies people’s needs and carries out the work He should do according to the work that must be done in each age; He supplies people’s needs according to the degree to which Satan has corrupted them."

More Information: Top 20 Christian Sermons 

12 Jan 2020

What are the essential differences between the work of God and the work of man?

    Relevant Words of God:

    The work of God Himself involves the work of all of mankind, and it also represents the work of the entire era. That is to say, God’s own work represents the movement and trend of all of the work of the Holy Spirit, whereas the work of the apostles follows God’s own work and does not lead the era, nor does it represent the working trend of the Holy Spirit in the entire era. They only do the work man ought to do, which does not at all involve the management work. God’s own work is the project within the management work. Man’s work is only the duty of men being used and bears no relation to the management work. Due to different identities and representations of the work, despite the fact that they are both the work of the Holy Spirit, there are clear and substantive differences between God’s own work and the work of man. Moreover, the extent of the work done by the Holy Spirit on work objects with different identities varies. These are the principles and scope of the work of the Holy Spirit.

from “God’s Work and Man’s Work” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

30 Dec 2019

Gospel Movie Clip "Mission of Love" - The Way to be Purified and Saved

Gospel Movie Clip "Mission of Love"

By His crucifixion, the Lord Jesus has redeemed us from sin. Why does man still need God's work of judgment in the last days to be purified and saved? Here you'll get the answer.


Li Mo believed in Jesus from childhood. When she was 16, she became a coworker of the house church and worked for the Lord zealously. However, the dissension in the church escalated and the believers’ faith and love became cold increasingly. The desolate scene made her fall into the distress and perplexity she had never had before. In 1999, she was fortunate to hear Almighty God’s gospel of the last days and finally met the Lord! She joyfully told the good news to the brothers and sisters who were still eagerly expecting the Lord’s coming in religion. Unexpectedly, she was slandered, insulted, driven away, beaten and abused…. In those years, she went to many places to preach the gospel, such as many counties and cities in Hebei Province and Sichuan Province. During that time, she underwent many persecutions from the religious world. Although she suffered a lot and ever became weak and passive, with Almighty God’s word leading her and God’s love encouraging her, she didn’t fear hardships and difficulties and went forward bravely. In such experience of sufferings, she saw clearly the religious world’s substance of being hostile to God, saw God’s substance of being righteous, holy, and beautiful and good, and even more deeply tasted God’s love and salvation, so that her life gradually grew up in adversity. It’s really glorious to be persecuted for righteousness!

15 Dec 2019

Free Christian Movie Clip "What a Beautiful Voice" - Is the Pardoning of Our Sins Really a Ticket to the Kingdom of Heaven?

 Free Christian Movie Clip "What a Beautiful Voice"

Many people in religion think that they have admitted their sins and repented of them after believing in the Lord, so they have been redeemed, and been saved by grace. When the Lord comes, He will lift them up directly into the kingdom of heaven, and He cannot possibly do the work of purification and salvation. Does this view tally with the reality of God's work? It is said in the Bible: "Holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord" (Hebrews 12:14). God says: "You have missed a step in your belief in God: You have merely been redeemed, but have not been changed. For you to be after God’s heart, God must personally do the work of changing and cleansing you; if you are only redeemed, you will be incapable of attaining sanctity. In this way you will be unqualified to share in the good blessings of God" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).

10 Dec 2019

The Word of God | "Concerning Appellations and Identity" (Part Two)

The Word of God | "Concerning Appellations and Identity" (Part Two)

Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd. It was definitely not created by a person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God's sheep hear God's voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.

9 Dec 2019

Gospel Movie clip "Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit" - God Uses the Word to Do the Judgment Work in the Last Days

Gospel Movie clip "Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit"

In the Age of Law and the Age of Grace, God spoke some words which were stern and which rebuked people. What is the difference between these words and the words of judgment expressed by God as He does His work of judgment in the last days? What exactly is judgment? How does God's work of judgment in the last days judge and purify man?

Cho Yeonghan was a pastor of a church in Korea. He was zealous in serving the Lord for decades and earned great respect from the believers. In recent years, the church became desolate day by day. More and more evils emerged, and even he himself was often afflicted by sin. Thus, he felt extremely miserable and confused…. After much consideration, he gave up his post as a pastor and left his denomination to seek the true way that could free him from sin. He visited several other denominations, but their desolation and degeneration brought him into severer loss and helplessness. Earnestly, he prayed, “O Lord! Where are you? …” Out of surprise, when investigating the word of Almighty God, he found that the Lord Jesus has come back and He is Almighty God, the last Christ.

28 Nov 2019

Christian Crosstalk "Going Outside the Bible" | Can We Gain Eternal Life by Keeping to the Bible?

The Church of Almighty God | Christian Crosstalk "Going Outside the Bible"

Xiang Yang works at a house church, and just like many religious believers, he thinks that God's words and work are all in the Bible, that believing in the Lord means believing in the Bible, that the Bible represents the Lord, and that if he abides by the Bible, he will enter the kingdom of heaven and gain eternal life. Brother Zhang Yi, who has just accepted God's work of the last days, has doubts about this view. The two engage in a humorous debate: Are all of God's words and work really in the Bible? Does the Bible really represent the Lord? By keeping to the Bible, can we enter the kingdom of heaven and gain eternal life? To find out the answers, please watch the crosstalk Going Outside the Bible.

23 Nov 2019

Question 3: You say that the Lord Jesus has returned, so why haven’t we seen Him? Seeing is believing and hearsay is undependable. If we haven’t seen Him, that must mean He hasn’t returned yet; I will believe it when I see Him. You say that the Lord Jesus has returned, so where is He now? What work is He doing? What words has the Lord spoken? I will believe it after you are able to clarify these things through testimony.

Almighty God’s Words, God's work, the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ return, The Kingdom Gospel,


God’s appearance and work in the last days are just as the Lord Jesus prophesied. There are two parts—His secret arrival and His public arrival. The secret arrival refers to God being incarnated among mankind as the Son of man to utter His words, and do His work of the last days. This is His secret arrival. The public arrival is the Lord openly coming with the clouds, that is, the Lord arriving with tens of thousands of saints, visible to all nations and all peoples. When we currently bear witness to God’s work of judgment of the last days, many people have doubts: “You say that God has appeared and is doing work. Why haven’t we seen Him? When and how is God uttering His words? Has anyone recorded God’s words as He is saying them, or does He bring those words directly to us? Why does God speak among all of you? Why don’t we hear His voice or see Him?” … God has appeared in China, in the East; He expresses His voice and works in the image of the incarnate Son of man. There is nothing at all supernatural. God dons ordinary flesh, His appearance is that of an ordinary person, and He speaks and works amongst us. There is nothing supernatural. Some people say: “If this is not even a little bit supernatural, then is He God or not? If God is appearing and working, then His appearance and work should be supernatural.” Let me ask you, was the Lord Jesus supernatural when He worked? When He was speaking with Peter, could people in other places see it? When He was displaying signs and wonders in one place, could those in other places see it? Definitely not. The Lord Jesus was the Son of man in the flesh, and His work and His words were not supernatural; apart from His demonstrations of signs and wonders, there were no supernatural aspects. That is why people in other places could not hear His words or see His work—only those by His side were able to see, hear, and experience them. This is the practical and normal side of God’s work. Therefore, other religions and other denominations do not know of the work that God has done through The Church of Almighty God in China. Why do they not know? God does not work in supernatural ways. Only those He has worked among are able to see and hear it; those He has not worked among cannot hear His voice. When the Lord Jesus performed His work amongst the Jewish people, were we, the Chinese people, able to see or hear it? Were the British and the Americans in the West able to see and hear it? Then why were the Westerners and the Chinese in the East ultimately able to accept the work of the Lord Jesus? Because there were people who bore witness, who spread the gospel to us, and they gave this Bible that recorded the Lord Jesus’ words and work to us. When we prayed to the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit performed His work and was with us; He bestowed grace upon us, thereby we came to believe that the Lord Jesus is God and the Savior. This is how we came to believe. The Westerners say that “God has appeared and worked in China—why haven’t we known this? Why haven’t we been able to see and hear this?” Is this question easy to explain?

11 Nov 2019

Biblical Prophecy

kingdom of heaven, Almighty God’s Words, God's work, the last days, The Savior’s Come,

“And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed” (Luke 17:26-30).


Almighty God’s appearance and His work: How does this fulfill and achieve those prophecies?

7 Nov 2019

A Different Kind of Love

By Chengxin, Brazil

    A chance opportunity in 2011 allowed me to come to Brazil from China. When I had just arrived, I was overwhelmed with fresh and new experiences and filled with curiosity, and I had a good feeling about the future. But after some time, this fresh and new feeling was quickly replaced by the loneliness and pain of finding myself in a far-off foreign land. Every day I went back home all alone and ate by myself, staring at the walls around me day by day without anyone even to talk to. I felt so lonely, and would often cry in secret. Just when I was feeling at my most distressed and helpless, the Lord Jesus brought me into a gathering by means of a friend. Through reading the word of the Lord, singing hymns, and praying in gatherings, my lonely heart was consoled by the Lord. I learned from the Bible that the heavens and earth and all things were created by God, and that man too is God’s creation. I also learned that the Lord Jesus was crucified for the redemption of mankind, that it was the Lord Jesus who redeemed us from sin, and that He is the only Redeemer of mankind. Having come into the presence of the Lord’s salvation, which is greater than all else, I felt deeply moved and resolved to follow the Lord for the rest of my life. I was therefore baptized on Thanksgiving and formally became a Christian. Because I liked singing, especially singing hymns in praise of God, after I was baptized I became actively involved in working for the church by joining the choir. Because of God’s guidance and blessings, I lived in peace and happiness. Every time I went to a gathering or praised God in worship, I felt suffused with energy.

25 Oct 2019

Gospel Movie Clip "Mission of Love" - Judgment of the Great White Throne Has Begun

Gospel Movie Clip "Mission of Love"

Do you know how God does the work of judgment in the last days? This film clip will reveal to you the mystery unknown to man for thousands of years.


Li Mo believed in Jesus from childhood. When she was 16, she became a coworker of the house church and worked for the Lord zealously. However, the dissension in the church escalated and the believers’ faith and love became cold increasingly. The desolate scene made her fall into the distress and perplexity she had never had before. In 1999, she was fortunate to hear Almighty God’s gospel of the last days and finally met the Lord! She joyfully told the good news to the brothers and sisters who were still eagerly expecting the Lord’s coming in religion. Unexpectedly, she was slandered, insulted, driven away, beaten and abused…. In those years, she went to many places to preach the gospel, such as many counties and cities in Hebei Province and Sichuan Province. During that time, she underwent many persecutions from the religious world. Although she suffered a lot and ever became weak and passive, with Almighty God’s word leading her and God’s love encouraging her, she didn’t fear hardships and difficulties and went forward bravely. In such experience of sufferings, she saw clearly the religious world’s substance of being hostile to God, saw God’s substance of being righteous, holy, and beautiful and good, and even more deeply tasted God’s love and salvation, so that her life gradually grew up in adversity. It’s really glorious to be persecuted for righteousness!

21 Oct 2019

The Words of God | "Knowing God's Work Today"

The Words of God | "Knowing God's Work Today"

Almighty God says, "The work done by God during this age is chiefly the provision of the words for the life of man, the disclosure of the substance of the nature of man and the corrupt disposition of man, the elimination of religious conceptions, feudal thinking, outdated thinking, as well as the knowledge and culture of man. This must all be laid bare and cleansed away through the words of God. In the last days, God uses words, and not signs and wonders, to make man perfect. He uses His words to expose man, to judge man, to chastise man, and to make man perfect, so that in the words of God, man comes to see the wisdom and loveliness of God, and comes to understand the disposition of God, so that through the words of God, man beholds the deeds of God."

18 Oct 2019

Judgment Has Begun in God’s Family

Aishen, America

    I am a Christian. When I first started believing in God, I frequently heard sermons where people said, “The Lord Jesus is our Redeemer. He was nailed to the cross for our sins. Jesus is merciful and loving. As long as we frequently come before the Lord and confess our sins through prayer, our sins will be forgiven and when the Lord returns, we will be able to enter the kingdom of heaven.” Afterward, I noticed, when I read the Bible, many parts where the word “judgment” is mentioned. For example: “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God” (1Pe 4:17). “Because he has appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he has ordained” (Act 17:31). At the time, I did not understand what judgment meant. So, I went to ask the preacher. The preacher told me, “When the Lord returns, He will do the work of judgment to determine man’s sins. Since Jesus is the sacrifice for our atonement, our sins will be forgiven and we will not be convicted. Furthermore, those who spend and toil for the Lord will receive crowns in accordance with their contributions. There will be large and small crowns….” I did not quite understand what the preacher told me. I felt that this “crown” idea was very similar to the idea that seniority must be given priority in the secular world. My heart could not accept it.

17 Oct 2019

A Hymn of God's Words | "To Gain Eternal Life, You Must Know the Source of It"

A Hymn of God's Words "To Gain Eternal Life, You Must Know the Source of It"

God is the source of the life of man; heaven and earth live by His power. Nothing alive can free itself from God's rule and authority. It doesn't matter who you are, everyone must obey God, submit to His dominion, to His control and commandments! Maybe you are eager to find the life and the truth, find the God whom you can trust to receive the eternal life. If you want to get life eternal, find its source and where God is. God is life that does not change, only He has the way of life. Since God is the way of life, God is the way to eternal life.

12 Oct 2019

Gospel Movie Clip "Awakening From the Dream" - Accepting Christ of the Last Days and Being Raptured Into the Kingdom of Heaven

Gospel Movie Clip "Awakening From the Dream"

If we only believe in the Lord Jesus, and hold to the Lord Jesus' way, but do not accept Almighty God's work of judgment in the last days, how can we attain purification and enter the kingdom of heaven? Do you want to be a wise virgin who can keep up with God's footprints to attain blessings in the kingdom of heaven? Please watch this movie clip.


Free Christian Movie | "Knocking at the Door" | How to Welcome the Return of the Lord

7 Oct 2019

Gospel Movie clip "Awakening From the Dream"- God Uses the Truth to Judge and Purify Man in the Last Days

Gospel Movie clip "Awakening From the Dream"

In the Last Days, God becomes flesh to carry out upon the earth the work of judgment beginning with the house of God, so, how does Almighty God's work of judgment in the last days cleanse and save man? What changes will be brought about to our own life disposition after experiencing Almighty God's judgment and chastisement? This movie clip of Awakening From the Dream, will give you all the answers!

Recommendation: Christian Reflections

God's judgment, the last days, God's work, Movie Clips, The Kingdom Gospel,

6 Oct 2019

2 Stories Help You Hold Onto Faith in God in Difficulties

By Xiaoxin

In our real life, when misfortunes in the family, difficulties in the work, the illnesses of the body, or various dangers and pains befall us, often times we don’t know how to face them and are always anxious and panicky, so that we neither see God’s deeds nor gain God’s guidance. This gives us food for thought: As Christians, how should we experience crises?

I thought of the story of Moses in the Bible. Moses was originally a prince, but shepherded sheep for forty years in the wilderness without anyone even to talk to. His descent from a prince in the palace to a shepherd in the wilderness and forty years’ experience in the wilderness made him achieve the knowledge of God’s almightiness and sovereignty and also his hot-bloodedness was worn away. When God commissioned him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, he could obey God and accept His commission with confidence. Especially when he led the Israelites through the Red Sea, it looked like they were finished because they were caught between the Red Sea in front of them and the Egyptian army behind them. In that situation, what approach did Moses take? He firmly believed that God would surely lead them through His authority and power, still prayed to and relied on God with confidence, then lifted the rod and stretched it over the sea. Finally he saw God’s deeds—the Red Sea was divided and the Israelites safely passed through it.

the Bible, Jesus Christ, Jehovah, God's work, Daily Devotionals,

20 Sept 2019

God's Utterance | "The Age of Kingdom Is the Age of Word"

The Word of God | "The Age of Kingdom Is the Age of Word"

Almighty God says, "God created the world with the word, leads men throughout the universe with the word, conquers and saves them with the word. Finally, He shall use the word to bring the entire world of old to an end. Only then is the management plan wholly complete. Throughout the Age of Kingdom, God uses the word to do His work and achieve the results of His work; He does not work wonders or perform miracles; He merely does His work through the word. Because of the word, man is nourished and supplied; because of the word, man gains knowledge and true experience. Man in the Age of Word has truly received exceptional blessings. Man suffers no pain of the flesh and simply enjoys the bountiful supply of the word of God; they need not seek or journey forth, and at ease they see the appearance of God, hear Him speak personally, receive His supply, and see Him personally do His work. Man in ages past was unable to enjoy such things, and these are blessings that they could never receive."

word of God, Age of Kingdom, God's work, God's judgment, The Kingdom Gospel,

16 Sept 2019

Movie Clip "The Mystery of Godliness" - Only God Incarnate Can Do the Work of Judgment in the Last Days

Gospel Movie Clip "The Mystery of Godliness" 

The Eastern Lightning testifies that God has incarnated in the last days to do the work of judgment Himself. And yet God's work in the Age of Law was done by using Moses. So can't God's work of judgment in the last days be done in the same way, by using people? Why does God need to incarnate and do it Himself? Almighty God says, "The work of judgment is God's own work, so it must naturally be done by God Himself; it cannot be done by man in His stead. Because judgment is the conquering of man through the truth, it is unquestionable that God still appears as the incarnate image to do this work among men" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).

6 Sept 2019

The Word of God | “The Two Incarnations Complete the Significance of the Incarnation”

The Word of God | “The Two Incarnations Complete the Significance of the Incarnation”

Almighty God says, “From the creation of the world down to the present, the Spirit of God has set this great work in motion, and has moreover done different work in different ages and in different nations. The people of each age see a different disposition of His, which is naturally revealed through the different work that He does. He is God, filled with mercy and lovingkindness; He is the sin offering for man and man’s shepherd; but He is also man’s judgment, chastisement, and curse. He could lead man to live on earth for two thousand years, and He could also redeem the corrupted mankind from sin. Today, He is also able to conquer mankind, who do not know Him, and prostrate them under His dominion, so that all submit to Him fully. In the end, He will burn away all that is unclean and unrighteous within men throughout the universe, to show them that He is not only a merciful and loving God, not only a God of wisdom and wonders, not only a holy God, but, even more, a God who judges man.”