
Showing posts with label Son of man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Son of man. Show all posts

17 May 2018

Movie Review | Child, Come Back Home—How an Internet-Addicted Boy Successfully Turns His Life Around

Hello everyone! Thank you for turning into this episode of Movie Reviews. Movies with faith-related themes have gained more and more concern in recent years. In this movie, the protagonist goes through ups and downs but eventually comes out from his plight by relying on God. It is sure to bring hope to and touch many people who are awash in confusion. This is the kind of movie that “Child, Come Back Home” is. Since this movie’s release, it has received one award and commendation after another at film festivals in a number of countries including India and the U.S. At the U.S. Christian Film Festival, it won multiple awards, including “Best Educational Film.” It tells the story of the high school student Li Xinguang who becomes lost in online games and slowly loses himself. After undergoing many twists and turns, through the guidance of God’s words, Li Xinguang finally sees through the essence and the harm of online games, and is able to give up his toxic addiction, return to the house of God, and embark on the path of a life of light. It’s a true moving story!


Understanding the Eastern Lightning

The Church of Almighty God was founded by Almighty God personally

The Lord Jesus Himself prophesied that God would incarnate in the last days and appear as the Son of man to do work.