
Showing posts with label believing in God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label believing in God. Show all posts

5 Jan 2020

God Mended My Broken Marriage

By Li Zhen

    Ling Fan’s father had an affair when she was three years old; her mother divorced him in a fury and took Ling Fan along with her into her second marriage. But her stepfather never liked Ling Fan and would often beat her for no reason at all, terribly wounding little Ling Fan’s spirit. She thought every single day about how she could escape that home that brought her so much suffering while also looking forward to forming her own happy family after growing up. After getting married at 23 years old, she finally had her own home. She thought she’d be able to live in happiness, but reality didn’t turn out as she had imagined.

An Honest Husband Strays

    Her husband was more than a decade older than Ling Fan; he was honest in his dealings with others and of good character, plus he was really caring and solicitous of her, always eager to help out with housework and other tasks. He didn’t have much money and they lived a frugal life, but Ling Fan didn’t care at all. She felt that as long as there’s love between a couple and they’re able to live together harmoniously and happily, she was content. Her husband ended up developing high blood pressure and couldn’t do physically taxing work and they needed to fund their children’s education, so the burden of the family fell on Ling Fan. In an effort to earn more money, she hired someone to look after their pig farm while she went out to work in a shoe factory. She worked late every day until eleven o’clock or midnight; her husband would often meet her at the factory to take her home. Even though Ling Fan worked hard and was exhausted for that period of time, she and her husband were there for each other and she felt happy.

13 Oct 2019

English Christian Crosstalk "The Mystery of God's Name" Will the Lord Be Called Jesus When He Returns

English Christian Crosstalk "The Mystery of God's Name" Will the Lord Still Be Called Jesus When He Returns?

For two thousand years, Christians have always prayed in and called upon the Lord Jesus' name, believing that God's name will only ever be Jesus. However, it is prophesied in the Book of Revelation, chapter 3, verse 12, that the Lord shall have a new name upon His return. So now that the Lord has returned in the last days, can we still call Him Jesus? What mysteries are hidden within God's name? The crosstalk, The Mystery of God's Name, blends the performance styles of singing and recital to guide us to understand the significance of why God takes different names in different ages.

Recommend More: 

How the Prophecy of the Lord Jesus’ Return Is Fulfilled

Jesus’ return, God's Name, the last days, believing in God, The Kingdom Gospel,

22 Sept 2019

How to Get Rid of the Bondage of Sin

By Chengxin

Dear Lingyun:

    Hello! In your letter you asked: “We are familiar with the Bible and work hard to practice the Lord’s word, but why are we still unable to break away from the bondage of sin?”

    I want to share a bit of my understanding of this issue. We all know that, at the end of the Age of Law, man had been corrupted by Satan deeper and deeper and they no longer upheld the law. They lived in the midst of sin every day, facing the danger of being lawfully executed because their offerings were not adequate to atone for their sins. God couldn’t bear to see mankind become depraved and die under the law, so He was incarnated in the image of the Lord Jesus and was crucified for man as the sin offering and thereby He bore the sins of all mankind forever. From then on, people were delivered from the bondage of the law and were no longer executed for not being able to keep the law. Because of the Lord Jesus’ atonement, as long as we confess and repent to the Lord Jesus, our sins will be forgiven. But our corrupt disposition is deeply rooted and our sinful nature hasn’t been taken away, so we still live in a sin-and-confess state. Just as Almighty God’s words say: “The sins of man were forgiven through the agency of the incarnate God, but this does not mean that man no longer has sin within him. … Within man still exist filth, opposition, and rebelliousness; man has only returned to God through His redemption, but he has not the slightest knowledge of God and still resists and rebels against Him. Before man was redeemed, many of Satan’s poisons had already been planted within him and, after thousands of years of being corrupted by Satan, he has within him an established nature that resists God. Therefore, when man has been redeemed, it is nothing more than a case of redemption in which man is bought at a high price, but the poisonous nature within him has not been eliminated. Man that is so defiled must undergo a change before becoming worthy to serve God.

2 Jul 2019

English Gospel Song With Lyrics | "We Have Entered Onto the Right Path of Life"

English Gospel Song | "We Have Entered Onto the Right Path of Life"

Verse 1
No one knows what setbacks life is going to give them,
or what kind of refinement they will be subject to.
For some it’s in their work, for some their future prospects,
or the family they were born in, or it’s in their marriage.

What’s different from them? We this group of people.
What’s different from them? We, this group of people,
are suffering for God’s word today.

11 Feb 2019

The Church of Almighty God | Christian Skit "The Village Mayor's Limits" Who Has Made Christians Homeless (Based on True Story)

Christian Skit "The Village Mayor's Limits" Who Has Made Christians Homeless

The skit The Village Mayor's Limits tells the true story of a Christian husband and wife who are forced to flee because of the CCP government's persecution.
Christian Liu Ming'en is sentenced by the CCP to seven years in prison for believing in God. Even after he is released from jail, he remains a target of heavy CCP surveillance. The village mayor uses the five-household responsibility system, security cameras, house visits, and other methods to prevent Liu Ming'en and his wife from believing in God, but none of it has the desired effect. This time, the mayor again receives a priority communiqué from Party Central, after which he tries to think of ways to force Liu Ming'en and his wife to sign a letter promising to stop believing in God. After his trick fails, the police again come to arrest the two believers. To avoid arrest and continue following God and believing in God, Liu Ming'en and his wife are forced to flee their home.


What Is the Difference Between Christianity and The Church of Almighty God?

24 Jan 2019

The Church of Almighty God | Christian Skit "Community 'Scouts'"

Christian Skit "Community 'Scouts'"

The Chinese Communist Party, to eradicate religious faith, uses neighborhood and village committees and various random people to closely monitor Christians and institutes a "reward for reporting" system in an attempt to round up every Christian. The skit Community "Scouts" examines how the Christian Lin Min, because of a reputation for believing in God, is secretly monitored by neighborhood committee personnel. One day, two sisters go to her home, and after the neighborhood committee director investigates through multiple channels, she immediately calls the CCP police. In the face of such adverse circumstances, how does Lin Min rely on God and cope? In the end, can she and her two sisters escape the CCP police?

Recommend more:

Why does the Chinese Communist government wildly persecute, suppress and crack down on Almighty God and The Church of Almighty God?

5 Dec 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Christian Video | "Seventeen? The Hell You Are!" (English Dubbed Movie)

"Kid! Do you know that the Communist Party is atheist and against belief in God? In China, what God is there for you to believe in? Where is this God of yours?" "Do not assume that because you are young, we will be lenient with you! If you keep believing in God, you will end up dead!" With electric rods in hands, the Chinese Communist police rush this youngster who is covered with bruises.

7 Jul 2018

Christian videos clip (2) - How Christians Strike Back at the CCP's Atheist Brainwashing

In order to force Christians into turning their backs on God and giving up their faith, the CCP has not only enticed Christians with fame and status, but they have brainwashed them with atheism, materialism, evolutionism, and scientific knowledge. So how have Christians responded to the CCP's brainwashing and conversion? Why do they so obstinately continue to pursue the path of believing in God and following God? This wonderful short video has been prepared for you to answer these questions.


How exactly should one discern the voice of God? How can one confirm that Almighty God is indeed the Lord Jesus returned?

22 Apr 2018

Christian videos Trailer | "The Gospel Messenger" | Bear the Cross and Preach Gospel of the Kingdom

Chen Yixin had believed in the Lord for more than twenty years and had been engaged in work and preaching with great enthusiasm. She was once arrested by the Chinese Communist Party and imprisoned for four years, and she stood firm witness for the Lord. However, when faced with the fact that her church grew more and more empty, she sank into pain and confusion. Later, she was fortunate enough to hear Almighty God's gospel of the last days, and was finally able to be reunited with the Lord. Full of happiness, she passed on the good tidings of the Lord's return to her brothers and sisters in religion, but was unexpectedly slandered, insulted, beaten, abused, and driven away…. From the words of Almighty God, Chen Yixin saw God's eager desire to save mankind and understood that spreading the gospel of the kingdom was God's entrustment and the mission and unshirkable obligation of everyone as a creature…. Over several years' time, Chen Yixin has traveled to many provinces and cities to preach the gospel and bear witness to God, and time after time she has been rejected by the religious world and hunted and persecuted by the satanic regime of the CCP, suffering a great deal. There were times when she was weak, but these bitter experiences have made her clearly see the truth that the religious world is controlled by antichrists and false shepherds and its essence of believing in God yet resisting God. She has also recognized God's love and salvation for mankind. Under the guidance of Almighty God's words and encouragement of His love, Chen Yixin, burdened with God's commission, forges ahead with no fear of the unknown …


Investigating the Eastern Lightning

How does the Church of Almighty God develop?

Are Almighty God and the Lord Jesus One God?

4 Apr 2018

The Church of Almighty God | The Testimony of a Christian | Breaking Through the Fog to See the Light

Faith, China

    I am an ordinary worker. At the end of November, 2013, a coworker saw that my wife and I would always make a lot of noise about little things, that every day we were worried and distressed, so he passed on the work of Almighty God in the last days to us. From the word of Almighty God, we have learned that the heavens and earth and all things were created by God, and that man’s life is bestowed on him by God. We have also understood the truth of the mystery of the six-thousand-year management plan, the mystery of the incarnation, God’s three stages of work in saving mankind, the significance of God’s work of judgment in the last days, and other respects. My wife and I thought that happening upon God having come to save mankind during our lifetimes was a great blessing. We happily accepted God’s work in the last days, and led a church life. Under the guidance of the word of God, we both pursued the truth and to transform ourselves, and whenever something happened and we started to argue, we wouldn’t just find fault with each other like we used to, but rather we would reflect on ourselves and try to know ourselves. After that, we acted in a way that forsook the flesh in accordance with God’s demands, and our marital relations became better and better, and our hearts became peaceful and steady. We felt that believing in God was truly good. However, while we were joyous and happy to follow God, when we were enjoying the blessed life, we were faced with a violent attack coming from our families…. Just when I was losing my way, it was the word of God that guided me to see through Satan’s scheme, and to break through the fog and enter onto the radiant and correct path for life.