
Showing posts with label christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christ. Show all posts

26 Sept 2017

"Waiting" (2)- The Wise Virgin Can Distinguish Between the True Christ and False Christs

Movies of the Church of Almighty God | "Waiting" (2)- The Wise Virgin Can Distinguish Between the True Christ and False Christs

Faced with the second coming of the Lord, will you be too scared of false Christs that you'll close the door to protect yourself and wait for the Lord's revelation, or will you act like the wise virgin, and heed God's voice and greet the Lord's return? This short video will tell you how to welcome the Lord's second coming.

18 Aug 2017

Almighty God’s Words| The First Utterance

Almighty God’s Words| The First Utterance
Do those who witness My words really accept them? Do you really know Me? Have you truly learned obedience? Do you sincerely expend yourselves for Me? Have you really borne strong, unyielding witness to Me in the face of the great red dragon? Does your devotion truly humiliate the great red dragon? Only through the trial of My words can I achieve My goal of purifying the church and choosing those who truly love Me. For how else could anyone understand Me? Who can understand My majesty, My wrath, and My wisdom through My words? I will finish what I have started, but still it is I who measures the hearts of men. In truth, no man fully understands Me, so I guide them with words, and lead them into a new era this way. In the end I will complete all of My work through My words, and bring those who truly love Me back to My kingdom, to live before My throne. The situation is not what it once was, and My work has entered a new starting point. That being so, there will be a new approach: Those who read My word and accept it as their very life are the people of My kingdom. Since they are in My kingdom, they are My people in the kingdom. Because they are guided by My words, although they are referred to as My people, this title is not at all inferior to being called My “sons.” As My people, all must be faithful in My kingdom and fulfill their duties, and those who offend My administrative decrees must receive My punishment. This is My warning to all.

26 May 2017

Christian song | Oh God, We Will Long for You Forever

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Oh God, oh God,
in spring I think of You.
Your voice, Your smile,
are always in my heart.
Your words water and nourish us.
They urge us on, encourage us,
that we may grow
and offer You our love.
Oh God, oh God,
in spring I think of You.
Just thinking of Your grace,
tears flood my eyes.
You arrange lots of circumstances,
refine our faith, our lives enriched.
My God, oh God,
in spring I think of You.

6 Apr 2017

Hymn of God's Word "The Maturer the People Become, the Sooner the Great Red Dragon Will Collapse"

Accompaniment: Ah … ah … ah….

1. When all the people are made complete and the kingdom on earth becomes the kingdom of Christ, that will just be the time “the seven thunders peal.” Now we are striding toward that stage and “attacking” toward that day. This is God’s plan, which will become true in the near future. However, whatever God says is what has been accomplished by God. It clearly shows that the kingdom in the world (the kingdom in the world) has become a castle in the air, tottering to its fall (tottering to its fall). The last day is just at hand, and the great red dragon is about to collapse in God’s word.