
6 Apr 2017

Hymn of God's Word "The Maturer the People Become, the Sooner the Great Red Dragon Will Collapse"

Accompaniment: Ah … ah … ah….

1. When all the people are made complete and the kingdom on earth becomes the kingdom of Christ, that will just be the time “the seven thunders peal.” Now we are striding toward that stage and “attacking” toward that day. This is God’s plan, which will become true in the near future. However, whatever God says is what has been accomplished by God. It clearly shows that the kingdom in the world (the kingdom in the world) has become a castle in the air, tottering to its fall (tottering to its fall). The last day is just at hand, and the great red dragon is about to collapse in God’s word.

2. In order that God’s plan will come to a successful accomplishment, angels have also come to the world, come to the world and begun to do all they can to satisfy God. And the incarnate God personally fights against the enemies in the battlefield. The place God’s incarnate flesh is in is just where the enemies will perish, is just where the enemies will perish. China is the first to be demolished (the first to be demolished), and destroyed by God’s hand (destroyed by God’s hand), and God will show no, show no mercy (show no mercy) to it at all. The maturer the people become (the maturer the people become), the sooner it proves the great red dragon will collapse. The maturity of the people is the sign of the perishing of the enemies. The maturer the people become (the maturer the people become), the sooner it proves the great red dragon will collapse. The maturity of the people is the sign of the perishing of the enemies. This is “competition,” “competition.” When all people know God in the flesh and see, see God’s deeds in the flesh, the nest of the great red dragon (the nest of the great red dragon) will come to naught, come to naught, come to naught and be reduced to ashes, come to naught and be reduced to ashes.

from “The Interpretation of the Tenth Utterance” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Eastern Lightning | The Church of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—Almighty God, Christ of the last days in China, and it isn't established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

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