
Showing posts with label follow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label follow. Show all posts

25 Sept 2017

Worship God in Spirit and in Truth | A Cappella "The Result Achieved by Knowing God" (Music Video)

The Church of Almighty God | A Cappella "The Result Achieved by Knowing God" (Music Video)

One day, 
you will feel that the Creator 
is no longer a riddle, 
that the Creator has never been hidden from you,
that the Creator 
has never concealed His face from you,
that the Creator is not at all far from you,
that the Creator is no longer the One that you constantly long for in your thoughts but that you cannot reach with your feelings,
that He is really and truly standing guard to your left and right, 
supplying your life, and controlling your destiny, controlling your destiny. 
He is not on the remote horizon, nor has He secreted Himself high up in the clouds. 

21 Aug 2017

Expression of Almighty God |The Third Utterance

Expression of Almighty God |The Third Utterance

Since you are called My people, things are not as they used to be; you should listen to and obey the utterances of My Spirit, closely follow My work, and may not separate My Spirit and My flesh, for We are inherently one, and are not apart. Whosoever divides the Spirit and the man, cherishing either the man or the Spirit, shall suffer loss, and will only be able to drink from their own bitter cup—and that’s all there is to say. Only those who are able to look upon the Spirit and the man as an inseparable whole shall have an ample knowledge of Me, and only then can changes gradually occur in the life contained within them. So that the next step of My work may proceed smoothly and without hindrance, I employ the refinement of words to test all those who are in My house, using the method of working to test those who follow Me. Under these circumstances, it is fair to say that they all lose hope; as people, there is not one among them whose conditions are not negative and passive, as if their entire space has changed. Some people rail against Heaven and earth; some, in their despair, still bite the bullet and accept the test of My words; some look to the skies and sigh deeply, tears filling their eyes, as if distraught by the untimely demise of a newborn infant; some even feel there is shame in living thus, and pray for God to take them away soon; some spend all day in a daze, as if they’ve just been seriously ill and have yet to come to their senses; some, after complaining, quietly leave; and some still praise Me from their own place, yet are still a little negative. Today, when all has been revealed, I need speak no more of the past; of greater importance is that you should still be capable of the utmost loyalty from the place I give you today, so that all you do meets My approval, and all you say is the product of My enlightenment and illumination, and ultimately what you live out is My image, is completely the manifestation of Me.

2 Aug 2017

Experience Testimonies of the Church of Almighty God | After Losing My Status …

Huimin    Jiaozuo City, Henan Province
Every time I saw or heard of someone having been replaced and them feeling down, weak or sulky, and not wanting to follow anymore, then I looked down on them. I thought it was nothing more than different people having different functions within the church, that there was no distinction between high or low, that we were all God’s creations and there was nothing to feel down about. So whether I was taking care of new believers or leading a district, I never thought I focused much on my status, that I was that sort of person. I never would have thought in a million years that I would display such shameful behavior when I myself was replaced …

27 Jul 2017

Experience Testimonies of the Church of Almighty God | After the Afflictions, I Have a Firmer Love for God

Zhang Ren    Jiangxi Province
My name is Zhang Ren, and I’m a Christian in the Church of Almighty God. Since I began to know things, I saw my parents labor hard in the fields from morning till night every day for making money. Although they exerted much effort, they couldn’t earn much money after one year’s labor. So my family had been living a very poor life. When I saw those influential people live well without needing to labor hard, I envied them from the bottom of my heart. And I made a firm resolution that I would build up a career or get an official post after I grew up, so as to shake off our poverty and backwardness and let my parents live the life of the rich. However, after I strived for this ideal for years, it was still not fulfilled, and we still lived a very poor life. I often felt depressed and sighed for my accomplishing nothing, and I gradually lost my confidence in life. Just when I was discouraged and disappointed at life, Almighty God’s end-time salvation came upon me. From Almighty God’s word, I knew the root of man’s suffering in living in this world and also understood how to live in a most meaningful and worthy way. From then on, I, lost and helpless, found the direction of life, came out of depression and decadence, had vitality and vigor, and saw the hope of life. Later, in order that those who still lived in misery and helplessness could also receive this rare salvation, I ran around preaching God’s end-time salvation actively. But unexpectedly, during my preaching the gospel, I was arrested by the CCP government twice and suffered brutal and inhuman tortures…. In the dark den of the devil, Almighty God had always been with me, and his word gave me faith and strength, leading me to overcome satan’s influence of darkness time after time, so that my love for God became stronger.