
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts

1 Sept 2017

The Church of Almighty God| The Fifth Utterance


       When My Spirit gives voice, it expresses the whole of My disposition. Are you clear on this? To be unclear on this point would be tantamount to opposing Me directly. Have you truly seen the importance that lies herein? Do you really know how much effort, how much energy, I expend on you? Do you really dare to lay bare what you have done before Me? And you have the nerve to call yourselves My people to My face—you have no sense of shame, still less any reason! Sooner or later, people like this will be expelled from My house. Don’t you come the old soldier with Me, thinking that you have stood for My testimony! Is this something that humanity is capable of doing? If nothing remained of your intentions and your goals, you would long since have struck out on a different path. Do you think I don’t know how much the human heart can hold? From this time forth, in all things you must enter into the reality of practice; merely flapping your gums, as you used to do, will no longer get you by. In the past, most of you managed to sponge under My roof; the fact that you are able to stand firm today is entirely due to the severity of My words. Do you think that My words are randomly spoken without an object? Impossible! I look down upon all things from on high, and exercise dominion over all things from on high. In the same way, I have sent forth My salvation over the earth. There is never a moment when I am not watching, from My secret place, humanity’s every move, everything they say and do. Humanity is to Me an open book: I see and know them one and all. The secret place is My abode, and the empyrean the bed on which I lie. Satan’s forces cannot reach unto Me, for I am overflowing with majesty, righteousness, and judgment. An ineffable mystery resides in My words. When I am speaking, you become like fowls that have just been cast into water, overwhelmed with confusion, or babies who have just had a fright, seeming to know nothing, because your spirit has fallen into a state of stupefaction. Why do I say that the secret place is My abode? Do you know the deeper meaning of what I say? Who in all humanity is capable of knowing Me? Who is capable of knowing Me as they know their own father and mother? Resting in My abode, I observe closely: All the people on earth bustle about, “traveling around the world” and rushing back and forth, all for the sake of their destiny, their future. But not a single one has energy to spare for building My kingdom, not even so much as the strength one might use in drawing breath. I created the human race, and I have rescued them many times from tribulation, but these humans are all ingrates: Not a single one among them is able to enumerate all the instances of My salvation. How many years, how many centuries has it been from the creation of the world down to the present day, and how many miracles have I worked, how many times made manifest My wisdom? But man, like a lunatic afflicted with dementia and torpor or, even worse, sometimes like a wild beast flailing about in the forest, has not the slightest intention of paying heed to My affairs. Many times I have given man the death sentence and condemned him to die, but the plan of My management cannot be altered by anyone. And so man is, still in My hands, strutting the old things he clings to. Because of the steps of My work, I have, once again, rescued you, you beings born into the corrupt, decadent, filthy, and sordid big family.