
Showing posts with label the Savior. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Savior. Show all posts

27 Nov 2019

God's Utterance | "The Savior Has Already Returned Upon a 'White Cloud'"

The Church of Almighty God | God's Utterance | "The Savior Has Already Returned Upon a 'White Clreoud'"

Almighty God says, "Since Jesus departed, the disciples who followed Him, and all of the saints who were saved thanks to His name, have been desperately pining for Him and awaiting Him. All those who were saved by the grace of Jesus Christ during the Age of Grace have been longing for that joyful day during the last days, when Jesus the Savior arrives on a white cloud and appears among man. …Yet Jesus the Savior did not do this; He did the opposite of what man conceived. He did not arrive among those who had yearned for His return, and did not appear to all men while riding upon the white cloud. He has already arrived, but man does not know Him, and remains ignorant of His arrival. Man is only aimlessly awaiting Him, unaware that He has already descended upon a white cloud (the cloud which is His Spirit, His words, and His entire disposition and all that He is), and is now among a group of overcomers that He will make during the last days."


Learning to Pray: 4 Key Elements of Christian Prayer

29 Mar 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Praise Be to the Return of the Savior | Musical Drama "Gospel Choir 19th Performance" Choir Trailer

The Church of Almighty God | Praise Be to the Return of the Savior | Musical Drama "Gospel Choir 19th Performance" Choir Trailer

Under a starry, quiet and peaceful night sky, a group of Christians earnestly awaiting the return of the Savior sing and dance to cheerful music. When they hear the joyful news “God has returned” and “God has uttered new words”, they are surprised and excited. They think: “God has returned? He has already appeared?!” With curiosity and uncertainty, one after another, they step into the journey of seeking God’s new words. In their arduous seeking, some people are questioning while others simply accept it. Some people look on without comment, while others make suggestions and search for answers in the Bible—they look but in the end it is fruitless…. Just when they become discouraged, a witness brings them a copy of the Age of Kingdom Bible, and they are deeply attracted to the words in the book. What kind of book is this really? Have they actually found the new words that God has uttered in that book? Have they welcomed the appearance of God? 


Utterances of Almighty God

Understanding the Eastern Lightning

Classic Words on How to Believe in God

Only God’s Judgment and Chastisement in the Last Days Is His Critical, Decisive Work for Saving Mankind