
28 Dec 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Best Praise Songs "I Will Let You Dwell in My Heart for All Time"

Best Praise Songs "I Will Let You Dwell in My Heart for All Time"

You accompany me through four seasons.
Looking at Your lonely face, waves of sorrow well up in my heart.
I’ve never soothed Your sadness and never cared for Your loneliness;
facing Your earnest words time and again, I’m so stubborn.
Always grieve Your heart and always let You down;
only after being chastened do I realize a bit.
Though I’m by Your side, can’t carry burden for You.
I have no sense, not understanding Your difficulties.

For desires and flesh, forgot the truth and morality.
When filled with remorse, I’ve long broken Your heart.
I can’t even feel sorrow at the bitterness of Your grief.
Groaning painfully in corruption, held out my greedy hand to beg.
Who has conscience and sense to share Your worries a bit?
Your heart is most kind, love is precious and true.
Who could be more beautiful and more honorable than You!
I’ll be with You forever, and never leave Your side.
I’ll be with You forever, and never leave Your side.
Your heart is most kind, love is precious and true.
Who could be more beautiful and more honorable than You!
I’ll be with You forever, and never leave Your side.
I’ll be with You forever, and never leave Your side.
Let joy and pleasure appear on Your face,
let You dwell in my heart for all time.
Let joy and pleasure appear on Your face,
let You dwell in my heart for all time,
dwell in my heart for all time.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

Watch more: Hymn Videos

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