
11 Dec 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Worship song | God Will Restore the Meaning of His Creation of Man

God created humanity,
placed them on the earth
and led them to the present day.
He served as a sin offering
and through this He saved man.
In the end He still must conquer,
restore man to his original state.
Since the beginning this is the work
that He has engaged in.
He will establish His kingdom,
restore His authority upon the earth
as well as man's state.
He will restore His authority
among all He created.

Corrupted by Satan, man has lost
his heart, his God-fearing heart,
and lost the function
that God's creature
should have had from the start.
He's become God's enemy,
living under
Satan's orders and domain.
God lost man's obedience and fear,
and His work can't be done
among them.
He will establish His kingdom,
restore His authority upon the earth
as well as man's state.
He will restore His authority
among all He created.

Man was created by God
and ought to worship God.
But man turned his back on God
and worshiped Satan.
Man was created by God
and ought to worship God.
But man turned his back on God
and worshiped Satan.

Satan became the idol in man's heart,
while to man God lost His standing,
which is to say man lost the meaning
of why he was created.
To restore this meaning,
man must return
to his original condition.
God must rid man
of his corrupt disposition.
He will establish His kingdom,
restore His authority upon the earth.
He will establish His kingdom,
restore His authority upon the earth.
He will establish His kingdom,
restore His authority upon the earth
as well as man's state.
He will restore His authority
among all He created.

To reclaim man from Satan,
God must save man,
save man from sin.
Only then can He gradually
restore man's original function,
and in the end restore His kingdom.
Sons of disobedience
will be destroyed,
to allow man to better worship God
and live better here on earth.
from "God and Man Will Enter Into Rest Together" in The Word Appears in the Flesh

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