
Showing posts with label The Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Church. Show all posts

1 Jul 2018

The Testimony of a Christian | On the Way of Tribulation, God’s Word Encouraged Me

Chen Hui    Jiangsu Province

    I was born in an ordinary family. My father was a soldier. Influenced and nurtured by my father from childhood, I thought in my heart that soldiers should take serving their country and obeying orders as their bounden mission and dedicate themselves selflessly to the Party and the people, and I aimed to become a soldier in the future and walk along my father’s path. However, things that happened later changed my viewpoint of pursuit and way of life little by little. In 1983, I heard Jesus’ gospel. Because of the special leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, I, who had been poisoned by atheism and Red Education since childhood, was deeply moved by the Lord Jesus’ love. From then on, I stepped onto the way of believing in God. I began to attend church services, pray, and sing hymns to praise God. Such a life made me feel very secure and peaceful in my heart. But gradually I found that a problem always puzzled me and made me feel troubled and perplexed. That is, although I knew that the Lord Jesus taught people not to commit sins, I always involuntarily lived in a condition of “committing sins in the day and confessing them at night” and couldn’t hold on to the Lord’s teachings anyway. In order to solve this problem, I went to other house churches to have meetings, hoping to find a way out. But in the end, I was disappointed. In 1999, one of my relatives preached Almighty God’s end-time gospel to me, but as I was concentrating on making money at that time, I simply had no mind to follow God and pursue the truth. Not until one year later did I formally begin to attend meetings. Through constantly reading God’s word and having meetings and fellowshipping with the brothers and sisters, I understood many truths and knew God’s eager intention to save man, and felt that the responsibility and mission God gave to every one of us were great, so I joined in preaching the gospel actively. When I saw that many people came before God and gained God’s blessings and salvation, my faith became greater.

25 Jun 2018

The Testimony of a Christian | From Suffering Is Emitted the Fragrance of Love

Xiaokai, Jiangxi Province

    I’m an ordinary country woman and, because of the feudalistic idea of only valuing male children, I was unable to raise my head in front of others for shame at having borne no son. Just when I was suffering the most, I was chosen by the Lord Jesus and, two years later, I accepted the salvation of Almighty God. Moreover, I understood much truth from within the words of Almighty God and my heart obtained true release. However, while I was performing my duty to repay God’s love, I was twice arrested by the CCP government and I suffered brutal torture and torment at the hands of the CCP’s pawns. Just when I was on the verge of death, the words of Almighty God guided me and inspired me and caused me to stand witness in the midst of Satan’s cruel harm, thereby strengthening my determination to follow God and love God for all my life.

21 Jun 2018

Resolving Persistent Concerns

gospel movies, salvation, the last days, the bible, the church

The Testimony of a Christian | Resolving Persistent Concerns

Max, USA

    I was born in the USA in 1994 and my mom and dad were both Chinese. My mother was a typical successful career woman and was very independent and capable. I loved my mom very much. When I started second grade, my parents brought me back to China so I could learn Chinese, and I also began to learn about the Lord Jesus at that time. I remember it was one day in 2004, I got out of class and went home to discover that we had a guest. My mom introduced her as a pastor who had come from America. I was really happy, because I knew that my mom had already believed in the Lord Jesus for a while. On that same day, this American pastor told me some stories about the Lord Jesus. Shortly after, I was led to the bathroom, and without even waiting for my response, the pastor dunked my head into the bath with a splash. In an instant I was again pulled out of the water by the pastor. I just heard my mom and the pastor saying to me at the same time: “Welcome to the embrace of the Lord Jesus. We are all the lost sheep.” Just like that, I became a believer in the Lord in a way that was unfathomable. After that, I went to the church every week to attend services, to hear the pastor tell stories from the Bible, and to read the scripture. I was always happy, and was very steadfast in my heart, feeling that the Lord Jesus was truly good.

17 Jun 2018

Christian song | The Heart of God Is Good | "God Hopes That Mankind Can Continue to Live"

When humanity was filled with filth, disobeyed to an extent, 
God had to destroy them due to His principles and essence. 
God despised man, for they opposed Him. 
But when He destroyed them, 
His heart was still unchanged, His mercy still remained.

God pitied mankind, wanting to redeem in various ways. 
But refusing God’s salvation, man continued to disobey. 
No matter how God called and warned, how He supplied and helped, 
man did not understand, man did not appreciate.

14 Jun 2018

The Testimony of a Christian | Where Does This Voice Come From?


    I was born in a religious family, and I have many relatives who are preachers. From the time I was young, I followed my parents in believing in the Lord. After I grew up, I addressed to the Lord in prayer: If I could find a husband who believed in the Lord, I would offer myself up together with him in service to the Lord. After I got married, my husband really did believe in the Lord, and in fact became a full time devoted preacher. In order for my husband to feel at ease in his work for the sake of the Lord, and to be able to fulfill his commitment in the presence of the Lord, I actively undertook the burdens of running a household. Although it was a little bit difficult and tiring, my heart was filled with joy and peace no matter how much suffering I endured because I had the Lord as my support.

12 Jun 2018

praise song | The Likeness of a True Person

God's Work, the Church, Holy Spirit, believe in God, glory

🎵 🎵 🎵

When you believe in God 
and experience His work, 
you will find your views of life 
will change. 
The values in your life, 
the significance, 
the foundation of existence, 
completely transformed. 
This is a person that's truly human. 
Those made complete will be, will be 
living for truth, living for God, 
living for righteousness. Always! 

11 Jun 2018

Gospel Q&A | Why is the world so dark and wicked? With mankind being at the height of corruption, should it be destroyed?

    The Answer from God’s Word:

    Man lost his God-fearing heart after being corrupted by Satan and lost the function that one of God’s creatures should have, becoming an enemy disobedient to God. Man lived under Satan’s domain and followed Satan’s orders; thus, God had no way to work among His creatures, and was all the more unable to win fear from His creatures. Man was created by God, and ought to worship God, but man actually turned his back to God and worshiped Satan. Satan became the idol in man’s heart. Thus God lost His standing in man’s heart, which is to say that He lost the meaning of His creation of man….

7 Jun 2018

ICFF Organizers: Where Is My Home—A Film the World Needs

Film Festival, Church News, Salvation, the Church, Christian

Film Festival, Church News, Salvation, the Church, Christian

Film Festival, Church News, Salvation, the Church, Christian

Film Festival, Church News, Salvation, the Church, Christian

Film Festival, Church News, Salvation, the Church

On May 5, 2018, the industry-renowned International Christian Film and Music Festival came to a successful conclusion in the city of Orlando, located in the southern United States. The five-day film festival drew in over 700 Christian film works from all over the world, and the film Where Is My Home, produced by The Church of Almighty God, was nominated for Best Screenplay.


The Eastern Lightning—The Light of Salvation

How does the Church of Almighty God develop?

5 Jun 2018

The Testimony of a Christian | A Youth Spent Without Regret

Xiaowen, Chongqing

    “Love is a pure emotion, pure without a blemish. Use your heart, use your heart to love and feel and care. Love doesn’t set conditions or barriers or distance. Use your heart, use your heart to love and feel and care. If you love you don’t deceive, grumble, turn your back, look to get something in return” (“Pure Love Without Blemish” in Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs). This hymn of God’s word once helped me get through the pain of a long and drawn-out life in prison that lasted 7 years and 4 months. Even though the CCP government deprived me of the most beautiful years of my youth, I have obtained the most precious and real truth from Almighty God and therefore have no complaints or regrets. 

3 Jun 2018

An Analysis of Rejections of Chinese Christians’ Asylum Applications—Professor Raffaella Di Marzio

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In recent years, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has continued to escalate its persecution of Protestant and Catholic home churches, and listed The Church of Almighty God as a particular target for its oppression, carrying out widespread arrests and persecution. Many Christians have had no choice but to leave their homes behind and become itinerant, and some have even been forced to flee to democratic countries overseas to seek political asylum. Consequently, the outside world has gradually come to know the truth of the persecution they’ve suffered, causing great concern on the part of some international human rights experts, religious scholars, and professors; they have also made appeals on behalf of these Christians who have fled. However, the governments of some democratic countries have disregarded the truth of the CCP government’s persecution of Christians as well as international society’s condemnation of the CCP, rejecting Christians’ asylum applications with a variety of reasons. This has resulted in a very low acceptance rate of Chinese Christian asylum seekers in Europe. Some have received removal orders and some have even been sent back to China. Professor Raffaella Di Marzio, who is in charge of the Center for Studies on Freedom of Religion, Belief and Conscience in Italy, has researched and analyzed the issue of the rejection of persecuted Christians’ political asylum applications by some democratic governments.


Hymns of the Church of Almighty God

Searching for the Footprints of God—The Eastern Lightning

1 Jun 2018

Almighty God's voice "The Kingdom Anthem - The Kingdom Has Descended on the World" (Stage Version)

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The people are cheering happily to God, the people are praising Him, 
countless voices are speaking of the one true God, countless people are looking on at His deeds. 
The kingdom has descended on the world, and God’s person is rich and bountiful. 
Who does not rejoice for this? Who does not dance for this?
Zion, raise your banner of victory to celebrate for God! 
Sing your song of victory to spread God’s holy name! 

from "Kingdom Anthem" in The Word Appears in the Flesh 


Searching for the Footprints of God—The Eastern Lightning

The Church of Almighty God was founded by the returned Lord Jesus personally in the last days 

31 May 2018

An Understanding of Being Saved

Christians, believe in God, God Himself, God’s work, The Church

Lin Qing Qingzhou City, Shandong Province

    Over these several years of following God, I have given up the enjoyments of my family and the flesh, and I have been busy all day fulfilling my duty in the church. So I believed: As long as I don’t abandon the work in the church entrusted to me, don’t betray God, don’t leave the church, and follow God to the end, I’ll be spared and saved by God. I also believed that I was walking the path of salvation by God, and all I had to do was follow Him to the very end.

19 May 2018

HK Media Attack The Church of Almighty God, Peril to Religious Freedom in HK - Massimo Introvigne

On November 20–21, 2017, in just two days, seventeen reports attacking The Church of Almighty God (CAG) were published intensively on Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po, the mouthpiece media of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Hong Kong (HK), citing the rumors and fallacies consistently fabricated by the CCP to discredit and condemn the CAG. What signal can we get from the CCP’s sudden attack and condemnation against the CAG in HK? What will the situation of religion be like in HK? Prof. Massimo Introvigne, an Italian sociologist, the founder and managing director of the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), makes comment on this.


The Eastern Lightning—The Light of Salvation

Experience Testimonies of the Church of Almighty God

Willy Fautré: South Korea Should Give Refugee Status to Asylum Seekers of The Church of Almighty God

Follow God by the Way of the Cross | Christian Video "Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China"

17 May 2018

God's will "God Himself, the Unique (III) God's Authority (II)" (Part Three)

God's words in this video are from the book "Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh". 
The content of this video: 
Progeny: The Fifth Juncture 
1. One Has No Control Over What Becomes of One's Offspring 
2. After Raising the Next Generation, People Gain a New Understanding of Fate 
3. Believing in Fate Is No Substitute for a Knowledge of the Creator’s Sovereignty 
4. Only Those Who Submit to the Creator’s Sovereignty Can Attain True Freedom     


Books of the Church of Almighty God

Hymns of the Church of Almighty God

God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself I

Searching for the Footprints of God—The Eastern Lightning

15 May 2018

Christian Devotional Assistant | The Church of Almighty God App Introduction

The Church of Almighty God app leads you to follow the Lamb's footsteps. Investigate God's work of the last days, and you will see the appearance of God.


The Eastern Lightning—The Light of Salvation

Experience Testimonies of the Church of Almighty God

9 May 2018

Gospel movie | "Knocking at the Door" | How to Be Raptured to the Kingdom of Heaven by Lord Jesus

Two thousand years ago, the Lord Jesus prophesied, "And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him" (Matthew 25:6). "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me" (Revelation 3:20). For the last two thousand years, believers in the Lord have been watchful and awaiting the Lord's knock on the door, so how will He knock on mankind's door when He returns? In the last days, some people have testified that the Lord Jesus has returned—Almighty God incarnate—and that He is doing the work of judgment in the last days. This news has rocked the entire religious world. Yang Aiguang, the protagonist of the film, has believed in the Lord for decades and has always been enthusiastically engaged in work and preaching, waiting to welcome the Lord's return. One day, two people come and knock on the door, tell Yang Aiguang and her husband that the Lord Jesus has returned, and share the words of Almighty God with them. They are deeply moved by Almighty God's words, but because Yang Aiguang has been subjected to the fallacies, deception, and strictures of the pastors and elders, she throws the witnesses of The Church of Almighty God out of the house. After that, the witnesses knock on their door on many occasions and read the words of Almighty God to Yang Aiguang, bearing witness to God's work in the last days. During this time, the pastor disrupts and hinders Yang Aiguang time after time, and she continues to waver. However, through hearing the words of Almighty God, Yang Aiguang comes to understand the truth and gains discernment regarding the rumors and fallacies propagated by the pastors and elders. She finally understands how the Lord knocks on people's doors during His return in the last days, and how we should welcome Him. When the fog clears, Yang Aiguang finally hears the voice of God and acknowledges that Almighty God really is the return of the Lord Jesus! 

incarnate, voice of God, the last days, Lord Jesus, the church


Understanding the Eastern Lightning