
Showing posts with label holy spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holy spirit. Show all posts

29 Jul 2019

Christian Hymn "Those Who Don't Accept the Truth Aren't Fit for Salvation" | Exhortation of God

Christian Hymn | "Those Who Don't Accept the Truth Aren't Fit for Salvation"

In hearing truth and word of life,
you may think only one word aligns
out of thousands of these words
with your thoughts and with the Bible, the Bible.
Seek in that 10,000th of words.
God advises humbleness,
to not be over-confident, to not exalt yourself.
Aren’t you unfit for God’s salvation
if you can’t accept truth clearly spoken?
Aren’t you one who lacks the fortune
to return before God at His throne,
to return before God at His throne?

24 Mar 2019

What Is Christ? How to Understand the Divinity of Christ

By Xiaojuan

    I trust all of us are familiar with the word “Christ”. In the Bible, it has been recorded, “He said to them, But whom say you that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said to him, Blessed are you, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood has not revealed it to you, but My Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 16:15–17). Many people see these verses and say without thinking, “Christ is the incarnate Lord Jesus” or “Christ is the Messiah, the Son of God”, and others say, “Christ is the Son of man” “Christ means the anointed one.” But faced with these claims, some people are puzzled: The prophets, kings, and priests of the Old Testament, were all anointed, so are they also Christs? Just what is Christ?

18 Feb 2019

The Word of God | "The Substance of Christ Is Obedience to the Will of the Heavenly Father"

Almighty God says, "The incarnate God is called Christ, and Christ is the flesh donned by the Spirit of God. This flesh is unlike any man that is of the flesh. This difference is because Christ is not of flesh and blood but is the incarnation of the Spirit. He has both a normal humanity and a complete divinity. His divinity is not possessed by any man. His normal humanity sustains all His normal activities in the flesh, while His divinity carries out the work of God Himself. Be it His humanity or divinity, both submit to the will of the heavenly Father. The substance of Christ is the Spirit, that is, the divinity. Therefore, His substance is that of God Himself; this substance will not interrupt His own work, and He could not possibly do anything that destroys His own work, nor would He ever utter any words that go against His own will."

More attention:

How Will the Lord Jesus Appear and Perform His Work When He Returns?

20 Jul 2018

God's word | The Path … (6)

the truth, God's work, Holy Spirit, great power, wisdom

    It is because of God’s work that we have been brought into the present day. So, we are all the survivors in God’s management plan, and that we can be retained until the present day is a great uplifting from God. According to God’s plan, the country of the great red dragon should be destroyed, but I think that perhaps He has established another plan, or He wants to carry out another portion of His work. So until today I haven’t been able to explain it clearly—it’s as if it’s an unsolvable riddle. But overall, this group of ours has been predestined by God, and I continue to believe that God has other work in us. May we all beseech Heaven thus: “May Your will be accomplished and may You once again appear to us and not conceal Yourself so that we may see Your glory and Your countenance more clearly.” I always feel that the path that God guides us on doesn’t go straight up, but it’s a winding road that is full of potholes, and God says that the rockier the path is the more it can reveal our hearts of love, but not one of us can open up this kind of path. In My experience, I have walked many rocky, treacherous paths and I have endured great suffering; at times I have even been utterly grief-stricken to the point that I wanted to cry out, but I have walked this path until this day. I believe that this is the path led by God, so I endure the torment of all the suffering and continue on. For this is what God has ordained, so who can escape it? I do not ask to receive any blessings; all I ask is that I am able to walk the path I ought to walk according to God’s will. I do not seek to imitate others or walk the path that they walk—all I seek is that I may fulfill My devotion to walk My designated path until the end. I do not ask for the help of others; to be frank, I can’t help anyone else either. It seems that I am terribly sensitive on this matter. I don’t know what other people think. This is because I have always believed that however much an individual must suffer and however far they must walk on their path is ordained by God and that no one can really help anyone else. Perhaps a portion of our enthusiastic brothers and sisters may say that I am lacking in love. But this is just what I believe. People walk their paths relying on God’s guidance, and I believe that most of My brothers and sisters will understand My heart. I also hope that God provides us with much greater enlightenment in this aspect so that our love may become purer and our friendship may become more precious. May we not be confused on this topic, but only become clearer so that our interpersonal relationships may be established on the basis of God’s leadership.

14 Jul 2018

God's word | The Path … (2)

    Perhaps our brothers and sisters have a bit of an outline of the sequence, the steps, and the methods of God’s work in mainland China, but I always feel it’s better to have a recollection or a little summary for our brothers and sisters. I’m just using this opportunity to say a bit of what’s on My heart; I’m not talking about anything outside of this work. I hope that the brothers and sisters can understand My mood, and I also humbly request that all those who read My words understand and forgive My small stature, that My life experience is truly inadequate, and that I truly cannot keep My head high in front of God. However, I always feel that these are only objective reasons. In short, no matter what, no people, events, or things can hinder our fellowship in God’s presence, and I hope that our brothers and sisters are able to work harder in front of God along with Me. I would like to offer up the following prayer: “Oh God! Please have mercy on us so that I and My brothers and sisters may struggle together under the dominion of our common ideals, be faithful to You until death, and never go back on it!” These words are the determination I set in front of God, but it could also be said that it’s My own motto as a man of flesh who is used by God. I have shared this in fellowship with the brothers and sisters by My side many times, and I have given this to those alongside Me as a message. I don’t know what people think of it, but no matter what, I believe that they not only have an aspect of subjective effort, but even more, they also contain an aspect of objective theory. Because of this, it’s possible that some people have certain opinions, and you can take these words as your motto and see how great your drive for loving God will be. Some people will develop a certain notion when they read these words, and think: “How could such an everyday, normal thing to say give people a great drive to love God until death? And it has nothing to do with the topic of what we’re discussing, ‘The Path.’” I acknowledge that these words don’t have a great deal of charm, but I have always thought that it can lead people onto the right track, and allow them to undergo all kinds of trials along the path of belief in God without losing heart or turning back. This is why I always treat this as My motto, and I hope that people can carefully think this over. However, My intention isn’t to force everyone to accept My own views—this is just a suggestion. No matter what other people think of Me, I think that God will understand the inner dynamics of every single one of us. God is constantly working on every single one of us, and His work is tireless. This is because we were all born in the country of the great red dragon—this is why He works this way in us. Those who were born in the country of the great red dragon have the fortune to gain this kind of work of the Holy Spirit. As one of them, I greatly feel the dearness, respectability, as well as the loveliness of God. This is God caring for us. Such a backward, conservative, feudalistic, superstitious, and depraved empire of the proletariat gains this kind of work from God. From this, it’s clear that we, this group of people in the final age, are very blessed. I believe that all of the brothers and sisters whose spiritual eyes are opened to see this work will all weep tears of joy for this, and at that time, won’t you express this to God by dancing with joy? Won’t you offer up the song in your heart to God? At that time won’t you show your resolve to God and make another plan before Him? I think that all of these are things that a proper believer in God should do. As human beings, I believe that every one of us should have some kind of expression in front of God. This is what a person who has feelings should do. Looking at the caliber of everyone among us as well as our birthplace, it shows how much humiliation God endured in order to come to our midst. Although we have some knowledge of God inside of us, based on what we do know, God is so great, so supreme, and so honorable, it is enough to know how great His suffering has been among mankind by comparison. But this is still a vague thing to say, and people can only treat it as words and doctrines. This is because those in our midst are too numb and dull-witted. I can only put more effort into explaining this issue to all those brothers and sisters who would accept it so that our spirits can be moved by the Spirit of God. May God open our spiritual eyes so that we may see the price God has paid, the effort He has made, and the energy He has expended for us.

6 Jul 2018

God's will | The Path … (4)

  God's love, God Himself, the last days, the bible, Holy Spirit

    That people are able to discover God’s loveliness, to seek the way of loving God in this age, and that they are willing to accept the training of the kingdom of today—all of this is God’s grace and even more, it’s Him uplifting mankind. Whenever I think of this I strongly feel the loveliness of God. It is truly that God loves us. Otherwise, who would be able to discover His loveliness? It is only from this that I see that all of this work is personally done by God Himself, and people are guided and directed by God. I give thanks to God for this, and I’d like My brothers and sisters to join Me in praising God: “All glory be to You, the supreme God Himself! May Your glory multiply and be revealed in those of us who have been selected and obtained by You.” I have gained enlightenment from God—before the ages God had already predestined us and wanted to gain us in the last days, thus allowing all things in the universe to see God’s glory in its entirety through us. Thus, we are the crystallization of six thousand years of God’s management plan; we are the models, the specimens of God’s work in the entire universe. Not until now have I discovered how much love God truly has for us, and that the work He does in us and the things that He says all surpass that of ages past a millionfold. Even in Israel and in Peter, God never personally did so much work and spoke so much. This shows that we, this group of people, truly are incredibly blessed—incomparably more blessed than the saints of times past. This is why God has always said people of the final age are blessed. No matter what others say, I believe that we are the ones who are most blessed by God. We should accept the blessings bestowed upon us by God; perhaps there are some who will complain to God, but I believe that blessings come from God and that proves that they are what we deserve. Even if others complain or are not happy with us, I always believe that no one can accept or take away the blessings God has given to us. Because God’s work is carried out on us and He is speaking to us face to face—to us, not to others—God does whatever He wants to do, and if people are not convinced, isn’t that just asking for trouble? Isn’t that courting humiliation? Why would I say this? It’s because I have deep experience with this. Just like the work God does on Me that only I can accept—can anyone else do it? I am fortunate that God entrusts Me with this—could someone else just indiscriminately do that? But I hope that My brothers and sisters can understand My heart. It’s not to hold up My own credentials to boast to people, but it’s to explain an issue. I am willing to give all glory to God and to have Him observe each and every one of our hearts so that our hearts are all purified in front of God. I would like to make a wish from the bottom of My heart: I hope to be completely obtained by God, to become a pure virgin who is sacrificed upon the altar, and even more to have the obedience of a lamb, appearing among all of mankind as a holy spiritual body. This is My promise, the oath I have set forth in front of God. I am willing to fulfill it and repay God’s love through this. Are you willing to do this? I believe that this promise of Mine will invigorate more younger brothers and sisters, and bring more young people hope. I feel that it seems that God places special emphasis on young people. Perhaps it’s My own bias, but I always feel that young people have hope for their future; it seems that God does extra work in young people. Although they are lacking in insight and wisdom and they are all overly exuberant and hot-headed just like a newborn calf, I believe that the youth are not entirely without their merits. You can see the innocence of youth in them and they are easy to accept new things. Although young people do tend toward arrogance, fierceness, and impulsivity, these things do not impact their ability to receive new light. This is because young people generally don’t hold fast to outmoded things. That’s why I see limitless promise in young people, and their vitality; it is from this that I have a tender feeling for them. Although I don’t have any dislike for the older brothers and sisters, I’m also not interested in them. I do, however, sincerely apologize to the older brothers and sisters. Perhaps what I’ve said is out of line or is inconsiderate, but I hope that all of you can forgive My recklessness, because I am too young and do not place too much emphasis on My manner of speaking. However, to tell the truth, the older brothers and sisters do, after all, have their functions that they should perform—they are not at all useless. This is because they have experience in dealing with affairs, they are steady in how they handle things, and they do not make as many mistakes. Aren’t these their strengths? I’d like for all of us to say before God: “Oh God! May we all fulfill our own functions in our different positions, and may we all do our very best for Your will!” I believe this must be God’s will!

29 Jun 2018

God's voice | The Path … (3)

God’s love, God Himself, salvation, prayer , Holy Spirit

    In My own life, I’m always willing to give Myself over to God entirely, body and mind. This way, there is no blame on My conscience and I can gain a little bit of peace. A person who pursues life must first give their heart over to God entirely. This is a precondition. I’d like for My brothers and sisters to pray with Me to God: “Oh God! May Your Spirit in heaven bestow grace upon people on the earth so that My heart may fully turn to You, that My Spirit may be moved by You, and that I may see Your loveliness in My heart and My Spirit, so that those on the earth are blessed to see Your beauty. God! May Your Spirit once again move our spirits so that our love is long-lasting and never changes!” What God does in all of us is to first test our hearts, and when we pour our hearts into Him, it is then that He begins to move our spirits. It is only in the spirit that one can see God’s loveliness, supremacy, and greatness. This is the path of the Holy Spirit in human beings. Do you have this kind of life? Have you experienced a life of the Holy Spirit? Has your spirit been moved by God? Have you seen how the Holy Spirit works in people? Have you given over your heart to God entirely? When you fully give your heart to God, you are able to directly experience the life of the Holy Spirit, and His work can be continually revealed to you. At that time, you can become someone who is used by the Holy Spirit. Are you willing to become that kind of person? In My memory, when I was moved by the Holy Spirit and first gave My heart to God, I fell down in front of Him and cried out: “Oh God! It is You who has opened up My eyes so that I may understand Your salvation. I am willing to give My heart to You entirely, and all I ask is that Your will be done. All I wish is that My heart gain Your approval in Your presence, and to carry out Your will.” That prayer is most unforgettable for Me; I was deeply moved, and I wept bitterly in front of God. That was My first successful prayer in God’s presence as a person who has been saved, and it was My first aspiration. I was frequently moved by the Holy Spirit after that. Have you had this kind of experience? How has the Holy Spirit worked in you? I think that people who seek to love God will all have this kind of experience, to greater or lesser degrees, but people forget about them. If someone says they haven’t had this kind of experience, that proves that they have not yet been saved and are still under the domain of Satan. The work that the Holy Spirit carries out in everyone is the path of the Holy Spirit, and it is also the path of someone who believes in and seeks God. The first step of work that the Holy Spirit performs on people is that of moving their spirits. After that, they will begin to love God and pursue life; all of those on this path are within the stream of the Holy Spirit. These are not only the dynamics of God’s work in mainland China, but also in the entire universe. He does this on all of mankind. If someone has not been moved even once, this shows that they are outside of this stream of recovery. I pray to God unceasingly in My heart that He may move all people, that everyone under the sun may be moved by Him and walk this path. Perhaps this is some minuscule request I have of God, but I believe that He will do this. I hope that all of My brothers and sisters will pray for this, that God’s will may be done, and that His work may conclude soon so that His Spirit in heaven may be at rest. This is My own little hope.

27 Jun 2018

praise song | "Thanks and Praise to Almighty God" | Live in the Light of God

We have been brought before God. His words we eat and drink. 
Holy Spirit enlightens, we understand truth God speaks. 
Rituals of religion, we’ve cast them off, all those bonds. 
Unrestrained by rules, our hearts released. 
And we are happy as can be, living in God’s light, 
happy as can be, living in God’s light. 
Thanks and praise to Almighty God
who expresses truth to all mankind. 
Thanks and praise to Almighty God, 
we have a way to change, 
and our vague faith subsides. 
We sing praise, oh.

12 Jun 2018

praise song | The Likeness of a True Person

God's Work, the Church, Holy Spirit, believe in God, glory

🎵 🎵 🎵

When you believe in God 
and experience His work, 
you will find your views of life 
will change. 
The values in your life, 
the significance, 
the foundation of existence, 
completely transformed. 
This is a person that's truly human. 
Those made complete will be, will be 
living for truth, living for God, 
living for righteousness. Always! 

9 Jun 2018

2. Why Is God Called by Different Names in Different Ages?

Relevant Words of God:

    In each age, God does new work and is called by a new name; how could He do the same work in different ages? How could He cling to the old? The name of Jesus was taken for the work of redemption, so would He still be called by the same name when He returns in the last days? Would He still do the work of redemption? Why is it that Jehovah and Jesus are one, yet They are called by different names in different ages? Is it not because the ages of Their work are different? Could a single name represent God in His entirety? In this way, God must be called by a different name in a different age, must use the name to change the age and represent the age, for no one name can fully represent God Himself. And each name can only represent God’s disposition during a certain age and needs only to represent His work. Therefore, God can choose whatever name befits His disposition to represent the entire age.

8 Jun 2018

Kids Dance Christian Song "Those Who Sincerely Love God Are All Honest People" | New Life of Kingdom

Pure and honest like a child, innocent and lively, full of youthful vitality, 
they are like angels that come to the world. 
No lies, no deceit or deception, with an open, honest heart they live with dignity. 
They give their hearts to God, God trusts them, and they are the honest people God loves. 
Those who love the truth all have honest hearts. 
Honest people take joy in practicing the truth, and by obeying God their hearts are at peace. 
They fear God, shun evil and live by God’s words. They live in God’s words and are liberated and free. 
They accept God’s scrutiny and live before Him. To love God is to be happy and joyful. 

2 Jun 2018

The Testimony of a Christian | The Tabernacle of God Is With Men

 Chen Bo, China

    One day, I went to my sister’s house to check on our mom. Before leaving, my sister gave me a book, urging me to be sure to read it carefully. I thought to myself: This book that my sister gave me is certainly a spiritual work. It just so happens that my spirit feels quite parched right now, it does not feel like the Lord is with me, and I do not feel illuminated from reading the Bible. When I get back, I ought to read this book carefully. Perhaps it will give me something. After returning home, I opened the book and started reading, and before I knew it I was sucked in by the words in the book. The more I read it the more I enjoyed it, the more I read it the more I felt there was light in these words, that they were enlightened by the Holy Spirit, that there was no way that these words could be spoken by a normal person. Since reading this book, I’ve come to understand some truths that I did not understand  before from reading the Bible, and in my mind I feel clarity and joy. I’m willing to pray to get close to the Lord, and my faith has grown. My spiritual condition has gotten better and better. I thought: Only the work of the Holy Spirit can provide man with faith and strength, and provide for and nourish man’s spirit. The words in this book certainly come from the Holy Spirit. As a result, the first thing I do every morning when I wake up is read this book.

30 May 2018

1. The Lord Jesus Himself prophesied that God would incarnate in the last days and appear as the Son of man to do work.

    Bible Verses for Reference:

    “Be you therefore ready also: for the Son of man comes at an hour when you think not” (Luk 12:40).

    “For as the lightning, that lightens out of the one part under heaven, shines to the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day. But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation” (Luk 17:24-25).

6 May 2018

God's word | The Path … (1)

    In their lifetime, no person knows what kind of setbacks they’re going to encounter, nor do they know what kind of refinement they will be subject to. For some it’s in their work, for some it’s in their future prospects, for some it’s in their family of origin, and for some it’s in their marriage. But what’s different from them is that today we, this group of people, are suffering for the word of God. That is, as someone who serves God, we have suffered setbacks on the path of believing in Him, and this is the path that all believers take and it is the road underneath all of our feet. It is from this point that we officially begin our course of believing in God, raise the curtain on our lives as human beings, and enter onto the right path of life. That is, it is when we enter onto the right path of God living alongside man, which normal people take. As someone who stands in front of God and serves Him, that is, someone who wears the robes of a priest in the temple, who has divine dignity and the authority and majesty of God, I make the following declaration to all people. To put it more clearly: The glorious countenance of God is My glory, His management plan is My core. I do not seek to gain a hundredfold in the world to come, but only to carry out God’s will in this world so that He may enjoy one small fraction of His glory on the earth due to the meager efforts I put forth in the flesh. This is My only desire. In My opinion, this is My only spiritual sustenance; I believe that these should be the final words of someone who lives in the flesh and who is full of emotion. This is the path underneath My feet today. I believe that this outlook of Mine is My final words in the flesh, and I hope that people do not have other notions or thoughts of Me. Although I have given it My all, I have still been unable to satisfy the will of God in heaven. I am immeasurably sad—why is this the essence of the flesh? So, because of the things I have done in the past as well as the work of conquering God has carried out on Me, only now have I gained a deeper understanding of the essence of mankind. Only since then have I set the most basic standard for Myself: to only seek to carry out God’s will, to give it My all, and to have nothing weighing on My conscience. I pay no mind to what requirements others who serve God have for themselves. In short, I have set My heart on carrying out His will. This is My confession as one of His creation who serves before Him—someone who has been saved and beloved by God, and who has suffered His blows. This is the confession of someone who has been watched over, protected, loved, and greatly used by God. From now on, I will continue down this path until I have completed the important task entrusted to Me by God. But in My opinion, the end of the road is imminent because His work has been completed, and as of today people have done all that they are able to do.

9 Apr 2018

The Church of Almighty God | The Testimony of a Christian | The Loss and Gain of Gatherings

Guozi, USA
    My name is Guozi, and I’m a high school student studying abroad in the USA. I was born in a Christian family, and my mother accepted the work of Almighty God in the last days when I was one year old. I remember when I was very young that my mother would always say to me: “God created heavens, earth, and everything that exists. We humans were also created by God, and God loves us more than anything. Whenever something happens to you, remember to pray to Almighty God, and He will watch over and protect you.” So when I was very young I learned that God exists, and when anything happened to me and I prayed to God, I experienced God’s protection for me. But truly having knowledge of God and God’s work was something I gradually gained in the course of attending gatherings and fellowshiping about the truth together with brothers and sisters of The Church of Almighty God and practicing entering into the word of God …

23 Mar 2018

The Church of Almighty God | God's Utterance | The Mystery of the Incarnation (1)

Grace, Jesus, work of God, Holy Spirit, Christ

    In the Age of Grace, John paved the way for Jesus. He could not do the work of God Himself and merely fulfilled the duty of man. Though John was the forerunner of the Lord, he could not represent God; he was only a man used by the Holy Spirit. Following the baptism of Jesus, “the Holy Spirit descended upon Him like a dove.” He then began His work, that is, He began to perform the ministry of Christ. That is why He assumed the identity of God, for He came from God. No matter the manner of His faith before this—perhaps sometimes it was weak, or sometimes it was strong—that was all His normal human life before He performed His ministry. After He was baptized (anointed), He immediately had the power and the glory of God with Him, and thus began to perform His ministry. He could work signs and wonders, perform miracles, He had power and authority, as He worked directly on behalf of God Himself; He did the work of the Spirit in His stead and expressed the voice of the Spirit; therefore He was God Himself. This is indisputable. John was used by the Holy Spirit. He could not represent God, and it was not possible for him to represent God. If he had wished to do so, the Holy Spirit would not have allowed it, for he could not do the work that God Himself intended to accomplish. Perhaps there was much in him that was of man’s will, or there was something deviant in him; under no circumstances could he directly represent God. His mistakes and erroneousness represented only himself, but his work was representative of the Holy Spirit. Yet, you cannot say that all of him represented God. Could his deviation and erroneousness represent God as well? To be erroneous in representing man is normal, but if he had deviation in representing God, then would that not be a dishonor to God? Would that not be blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit does not allow man to stand in God’s place at will, even if he is exalted by others. If he is not God, then he would be unable to remain standing in the end. The Holy Spirit does not allow man to represent God as man pleases! For instance, the Holy Spirit bore witness to John and also revealed him to be the one to pave the way for Jesus, but the work done in him by the Holy Spirit was well measured. All that was asked of John was to be the way-paver for Jesus, to prepare the way for Him. That is to say, the Holy Spirit only upheld his work in paving the way and allowed him only to do such work, no other. John represented Elijah, the prophet who paved the way. This was upheld by the Holy Spirit; as long as his work was to pave the way, the Holy Spirit upheld it. However, if he had laid claim to be God Himself and come to finish the work of redemption, the Holy Spirit must discipline him. However great the work of John, and be it upheld by the Holy Spirit, his work remained within boundaries. It is indeed true that his work was upheld by the Holy Spirit, but the power given him at the time was limited to his paving the way. He could not, at all, do any other work, for he was only John who paved the way, and not Jesus. Therefore, the testimony of the Holy Spirit is key, but the work man is permitted to do by the Holy Spirit is even more crucial. Was John not greatly witnessed of? Was not his work also great? But the work he did could not surpass that of Jesus, for he was no more than a man used by the Holy Spirit and could not directly represent God, and thus the work he did was limited. After he finished the work of paving the way, none continued to uphold his testimony, no new work again followed him, and he departed as the work of God Himself began. 

Grace, Jesus, work of God, Holy Spirit, Christ

6 Mar 2018

Best Christian Video | "Dawn Light" | How to Find a Church With the Work of the Holy Spirit

Best Christian Video | "Dawn Light" | How to Find a Church With the Work of the Holy Spirit | The Church of Almighty God

As a child, Yangwang followed her parents in their faith in the Lord, and as an adult she served the Lord in the church. In 2013, her church joined the World Council of Churches, which advocates universal church unification and religious pluralism. Believing that her pastors and elders' insistence on joining the Council was a departure from the Lord's way and not in accord with the Lord's heart, eventually she left her denomination and began to search for a church with the work of the Holy Spirit. But, after visiting several, she found that all the denominations were desolate, and that there was no light in the preaching of their pastors and elders. She could find no provision of life, and her spirit was withering and turning to darkness. In her pain, she often called to the Lord, asking the Lord to return quickly. … One day, she went online to search for information about the return of the Lord, where she saw a video in which the words of Almighty God were read. Almighty God's words shocked her soul. She felt they had authority and power and seemed like the voice of God. To determine whether Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus, she began to seek out and examine Almighty God's work in the last days. Through reading Almighty God's word and hearing the fellowship of witnesses, she resolved her confusion. She discovered that the word of Almighty God is entirely truth, that it is indeed God's voice, and that Almighty God is the Lord Jesus whose return she had spent years longing for. Since, she has read the word of God every day, thereby nourishing her thirsty soul, and truly receiving the water of life which flows from the throne. 


Searching for the Footprints of God—The Eastern Lightning

1 Mar 2018

God's Utterance | Concerning the Bible (1)

The Church of Almighty GodGod's Utterance | Concerning the Bible (1)

    How should the Bible be approached in the belief in God? This is a question of principle. Why are we communing this question? Because in the future you will spread the gospel and widen the work of the Age of Kingdom, and it’s not enough to merely be able to talk of God’s work today. To broaden His work, it is more important that you are able to resolve people’s old religious conceptions and old means of belief, and leave them utterly convinced—and getting to that point involves the Bible. For many years, people’s traditional means of belief (that of Christianity, one of the world’s three major religions) has been to read the Bible; departure from the Bible is not the belief in the Lord, departure from the Bible is an evil cult, and heresy, and even when people read other books, the foundation of these books must be the explanation of the Bible. Which is to say, if you say you believe in the Lord, then you must read the Bible, you must eat and drink the Bible, and outside the Bible you must not worship any book that does not involve the Bible. If you do, then you are betraying God. From the time when there was the Bible, people’s belief in the Lord has been the belief in the Bible. Instead of saying people believe in the Lord, it is better to say they believe in the Bible; rather than saying they have begun reading the Bible, it is better to say they have begun believing in the Bible; and rather than saying they have returned before the Lord, it would be better to say they have returned before the Bible. In this way, people worship the Bible as if it were God, as if it were their lifeblood and losing it would be the same as losing their life. People see the Bible as being as high as God, and there are even those who see it as higher than God. If people are without the work of the Holy Spirit, if they cannot feel God, they can carry on living—but as soon as they lose the Bible, or lose the famous chapters and sayings from the Bible, then it is as if they have lost their life. And so, as soon as people believe in the Lord they begin reading the Bible, and memorizing the Bible, and the more of the Bible they are able to memorize, the more this proves that they love the Lord and are of great faith. Those who have read the Bible and can speak of it to others are all good brothers and sisters. For all these years, people’s faith and loyalty to the Lord has been measured according to the extent of their understanding of the Bible. Most people simply don’t understand why they should believe in God, nor how to believe in God, and do nothing but search blindly for clues to decipher the chapters of the Bible. They have never pursued the direction of the work of the Holy Spirit; all along, they have done nothing but desperately study and investigate the Bible, and no one has ever found newer work of the Holy Spirit outside of the Bible, no one has ever departed from the Bible, nor have they ever dared to depart from the Bible. People have studied the Bible for all these years, they have come up with so many explanations, and put in so much work; they also have many differences of opinion about the Bible, which they debate endlessly, such that over two thousand different denominations have been formed today. They all want to find some special explanations, or more profound mysteries in the Bible, they want to explore it, and to find in it the background to Jehovah’s work in Israel, or the background to Jesus’ work in Judea, or more mysteries that no one else knows. People’s approach to the Bible is one of obsession and faith, and no one can be completely clear about the inside story or substance of the Bible. Thus, the result is that today, people still have an indescribable sense of magicalness when it comes to the Bible; even more than that, they are obsessed with it, and have faith in it. Today, everyone wants to find the prophecies of the work of the last days in the Bible, they want to discover what work God does during the last days, and what signs there are for the last days. In this way, their worship of the Bible becomes more fervent, and the closer it gets to the last days, the more credence they give to the prophecies of the Bible, particularly those about the last days. With such blind belief in the Bible, with such trust in the Bible, they have no desire to seek the work of the Holy Spirit. In people’s conceptions, they think that only the Bible can bring the work of the Holy Spirit; only in the Bible can they find the footsteps of God; only in the Bible are hidden the mysteries of God’s work; only the Bible—not other books or people—can clarify everything of God and the entirety of His work; the Bible can bring the work of heaven to earth; and the Bible can both begin and conclude the ages. With these conceptions, people have no inclination to search for the work of the Holy Spirit. So, regardless of how much of a help the Bible was to people in the past, it has become an obstacle to God’s latest work. Without the Bible, people can search for the footsteps of God elsewhere, yet today, His footsteps have been contained by the Bible, and extending His latest work has become double difficult, and an uphill struggle. This is all because of the famous chapters and sayings from the Bible, as well as the various prophecies of the Bible. The Bible has become an idol in people’s minds, it has become a puzzle in their brains, and they are simply incapable of believing that God can work exclusive of the Bible, they are incapable of believing that people can find God outside of the Bible, much less are they able to believe that God could depart from the Bible during the final work and start anew. This is unthinkable to people; they can’t believe it, and neither can they imagine it. The Bible has become a great obstacle to people’s acceptance of God’s new work, and has made it difficult to broaden this new work. Thus, if you don’t understand the inside story of the Bible, you will be unable to successfully spread the gospel, nor will you be able to bear testimony to the new work. Although, today, you do not read the Bible, you are still extremely amiable toward it, which is to say, the Bible might not be in your hands, but many of your conceptions come from it. You don’t understand the origins of the Bible or the inside story about the previous two stages of God’s work. Although you do not eat and drink the Bible, you must understand the Bible, you must achieve the correct knowledge of the Bible, and only in this way will you be able to know what God’s 6,000-year management plan is all about. You will use these things to win people over, to make them acknowledge that this stream is the true way, to make them acknowledge that the path you walk today is the path of truth, that it is guided by the Holy Spirit, and has not been opened up by any human. 

31 Jul 2017

Experience Testimonies of the Church of Almighty God | Seeing My True Colors Clearly

Xiaoxiao    Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province
Due to the needs of the church’s work, I was reallocated to another place to fulfill my duty. At the time, the gospel work at that place was at a low ebb, and the situation of brothers and sisters was generally not good. But because I was touched by the Holy Spirit, I still took on everything that was entrusted with full confidence. After accepting the entrustment, I felt full of responsibility, full of enlightenment, and even thought I had quite a bit of resolve. I believed I was capable and could perform this job well. In reality, at the time I had no knowledge whatsoever of the work of the Holy Spirit or my own nature. I was living completely in self-satisfaction and self-admiration.