
Showing posts with label believer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label believer. Show all posts

24 Oct 2019

2019 Large-scale Gospel Choir Song | "Kingdom Anthem: The Kingdom Descends Upon the World" | The New Heaven and New Earth Have Appeared

2019 Large-scale Gospel Choir Song | "Kingdom Anthem: The Kingdom Descends Upon the World"

The stirring kingdom anthem has rung out, announcing God's arrival among man to the whole universe! The kingdom of God has come! All people cheer, all things rejoice! Everything throughout the heavens brims with merriment. What captivating scenes of jubilation are these?

3 Oct 2019

Gospel Movie Clip "Awakening From the Dream" (2) - Without Holiness No Man Shall Enter God's Kingdom

Gospel Movie Clip - "Awakening From the Dream"

When the sins of us believers in the Lord are forgiven, do we attain purification? If we do not strive for purification, and only pay attention to expending ourselves for the Lord and diligently doing the Lord's work, will we be raptured into the kingdom of heaven? This movie clip of Awakening From the Dream, will give you all the answers!

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How Do We Worship God in Spirit and in Truth?

worship God, kingdom of heaven, believer, Gospel Movie, The Kingdom Gospel,

13 Aug 2019

Christian Crosstalk "There Is Only One God" | Is the Theory of Trinity in Line With the Lord's Word?

For 2,000 years, the theological theory of the Trinity has been seen as a basic tenet of the Christian faith. But, is God truly a Trinity? What, exactly, is the relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? One day, Brother Zhang posts a question in his church's online discussion group: Does the Trinity really exist? This question begins an intense debate among the believers, after which Zheng Xun and Li Rui discuss and fellowship on this question. What is their conclusion? Please enjoy the crosstalk There Is Only One God.

9 Jun 2019

Gospel Music "What the Young Must Pursue" The Word of God to Young Christians

Gospel Music With Lyrics "What the Young Must Pursue"

Prejudiced eyes and deceit are not what the youth should have.
Awful and destructive ways are not how the youth should act.
They should have aspirations, ardently strive to advance,
not lose heart over their prospects,
keep faith in life, the future.
Youth should have resolve in discernment, seeking justice and the truth.
Pursue all things beautiful,
gain reality of positive things.
Be responsible towards life.
You must not take this lightly. You must not take this lightly.

25 Feb 2019

Christian Crosstalk "Last Days' Pharisees" | Who Blocks Christians From Welcoming Lord Jesus' Return

Christian Zhang Yi heard testimony that the Lord had returned, but as he investigated the true way, his pastor and elder tried several times to stop and prevent him, saying, "Any who claim the Lord has come incarnate are spreading heresy and false teachings. Don't listen to them, don't read their words, and don't have any contact with them!" This confused Zhang Yi, because the Lord Jesus clearly said, "And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him" (Matthew 25:6). "My sheep hear My voice" (John 10:27). The Lord's words say that people must be wise virgins and actively seek and listen to the Lord's voice to be able to receive the Lord, but his pastor and elder try everything they can to prevent and limit believers from hearing God's voice. Why are they afraid of believers investigating the true way? … Through debates with his pastor and elder, Zhang Yi finally sees who the Pharisees are in the last days, and who is the real obstacle preventing believers from receiving the Lord.

Know more: 

Are Almighty God and the Lord Jesus One God?

3 Apr 2018

Crosstalk From Christian Church "Our Pastor Said …" | Who Should We Listen to as We Believe in God?

Yu Shunfu is a believer in the religious world who looks up to and worships pastors and elders. She thinks "pastors and elders were all established by God, and obedience to pastors and elders is obedience to God," so she listens to her pastor in all she does, even in the matter of welcoming the Lord's return. But through a brilliant round of debate, Yu Shunfu comes to see that abiding by religious conceptions is absurd and unreasonable, and finally she realizes that magnifying God comes first in belief, and that one should reserve the "temple" of the heart for God. So, she chooses to seek and investigate the true way on her own …


The Church of Almighty God was founded by Almighty God personally

The Eastern Lightning—The Light of Salvation

Classic Words on How to Practice Love of God

8 Dec 2017

Through the Great Tribulation, I Have Reaped Great Benefits

Experience Testimonies of the Church of Almighty God | Through the Great Tribulation, I Have Reaped Great Benefits

Rongguang    Zhengzhou City, Henan Province
After following Almighty God, I was put in prison because I believed in God. At that time I was a new believer and God had given me strength so that I could stand firm in my testimony. However, I mistakenly believed that I had the stature; I thought that I had a great amount of faith, love and loyalty for God, therefore I didn’t pay particular attention to eating and drinking God’s words of judgment and chastisement. Even though I read, I compared the word by which God exposes man with other people and excluded myself from God’s judging words. I was only willing to read about the mysteries God has revealed and prophecies as well as words concerning obtaining blessings; these are the words I was most interested in. I read God’s words: “Based on their different functions and testimonies, the overcomers within the kingdom will serve as priests or followers, and all those who are victorious amid tribulation will become the body of priests within the kingdom. … In the body of priests there will be chief priests and priests, and the remainder will be the sons and people of God. This is all determined by their testimonies to God during tribulation; they are not titles that are given at whim” (“God’s Work and Man’s Practice” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). “The time of the tribulation will not be too protracted—it will not even be a year. If it were to last for a year it would delay the next step of work, and people’s stature would be inadequate. If it were too long they wouldn’t be able to withstand it—their stature has its limitations” (“How You Should Walk the Last Leg of the Path” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). I thought: Position in the kingdom will be determined based on how people testify during the tribulation; these testimonies could influence someone’s fate. When the tribulation comes upon me, I will have to grit my teeth and put forth enough energy, and I will certainly offer a beautiful testimony. That way I will be able to obtain great blessings; besides, the tribulation won’t last too long–it will be less than a year. No matter what happens, I’ll be able to endure this period of hardship. By being dominated by thoughts of obtaining blessings I made up my mind to get ready for battle; I thought that by relying on my own “faith” and “will,” I would be able to be an overcomer in the tribulation.

12 Jul 2017

Almighty God| Second Coming of Jesus Christ| Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China

Since it came to power in Mainland China in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has been unceasing in its persecution of religious faith. It has frantically arrested and murdered Christians, expelled and abused missionaries operating in China, confiscated and burned countless copies of the Bible, sealed up and demolished church buildings, and tried to eradicate all house churches. Recent years have also seen the CCP government's wide-scale introduction of policies aimed at the "Sinification" of Christianity. Thousands of church crosses have been demolished, many church buildings have been knocked down, and a great number of Christians in house churches have been arrested and persecuted. Christian churches in China suffer cruel and bloody persecution. …