
Showing posts with label Love of God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love of God. Show all posts

9 Mar 2019

2019 Praise Song | "All Things Live in the Rules and Laws Set Down by God"

Praise God Hymn | "All Things Live in the Rules and Laws Set Down by God"

It’s been several thousand years,
and mankind still enjoys the light,
and he still enjoys the air bestowed by God.
Mankind still breathes in the breath
that was exhaled by God Himself.
Yes, he still enjoys the air bestowed by God.
Mankind still enjoys the things
like flowers, fish, insects and birds.
The things created by God, he enjoys them all.
Day and night replace each other. 
The four seasons cycle around,
they alternate as usual, provided by God.
Every manner of creature living amongst all things,
departs and then returns, and then departs again.
In the twinkling of an eye, a million changes happen.
What will never ever change
are their instincts and their laws of survival.

27 Feb 2019

2019 Gospel Song "Are You Aware of Your Mission?"

Gospel Song "Are You Aware of Your Mission?" | Do God's Will and Preach the Gospel of the Last Days

Are you aware of the burden, the duty, and the commission on your shoulder?
Where is your historic sense of mission?
How will you be a good master in the next age?
Is your sense of masterhood strong?
How will you explain the master of all things?
Is it really the master of all living things,
or master of all the material world?
What’s your plan on the next step of work?
How many are waiting for you to shepherd?
Don’t you feel your task very heavy?

8 Feb 2019

Gospel Music Videos "If I Were Not Saved by God" | The Love of God

Gospel Music Videos "If I Were Not Saved by God" | The Love of God

If I were not saved by God, I would still be drifting in this world,
struggling hard and painfully in sin, every day gets bleak and hopeless.
If I were not saved by God, I’d still be crushed below the devil’s feet,
snared in sin and its enjoyments, ignorant of what my life would be.
If I were not saved by God, I’d be without my blessings here today,
much less know why we should live on or the meaning of our lives.
If I were not saved by God, I’d still be confused about my faith,
still in empty space passing the days, unaware in whom to put my faith.
I have finally understood God’s loving hand holds mine as we go.
I would never go and lose my way ’Cause I’m on this brilliant course to stay.
I have finally understood God’s intent, earnest to man.
False impressions fully removed. I will give my flesh and soul to God.
If I were not saved by God, I’d be without my blessings here today,
much less know why we should live on or the meaning of our lives.
If I were not saved by God, I’d still be confused about my faith,
still in empty space passing the days, unaware in whom to put my faith.
I have finally understood God’s loving hand holds mine as we go.
I would never go and lose my way ’Cause I’m on this brilliant course to stay.
I have finally understood God’s intent, earnest to man.
False impressions fully removed. I will give my flesh and soul to God.

Recommend more:

Christian Praise and Worship Song "Thanks and Praise to Almighty God"

30 Jan 2019

Christian Song "God's Love Has Melted My Heart" | The Love of God Never Leaves Us

Best Christian Songs "God's Love Has Melted My Heart" | The Love of God Never Leaves Us

Hearing Your kind call, I return before You.
Your words enlighten, I see my corruption.

I’ve often been cold to You, hurt and saddened You,
hard-hearted, rebelled, left You alone.
Why is Your love for man repaid with pain?
I hate my hard heart and my deep corruption.
Filthy, unworthy to see You, of Your love.
I am such a rebellious person,
how could I know Your heart, see Your love?
Your love is so real, I owe You so much.
You keep me company when I’m chastised.
Your heart aches with love when I’m refined.
When I’m sad, You’re there. What I lack, You give.
Facing Your love, my heart wants to break.
Your love has melted my frozen heart,
and now I have had a change of heart.

25 Jul 2018

God's word | What Viewpoint Believers Ought to Hold

love of God, the truth, believe in God, salvation, life

    What is it that man has received since he first believed in God? What have you known about God? How much have you changed because of your belief in God? Now you all know that man’s belief in God is not solely for salvation of the soul and welfare of the flesh, nor is it to enrich his life through love of God, and so on. As it stands, if you love God for the sake of welfare of the flesh or momentary pleasure, then even if, in the end, your love for God reaches its peak and you ask for nothing, this love you seek is still an impure love and not pleasing to God. Those who use love for God to enrich their dull lives and fill a void in their heart are those who seek to live in ease, not those who truly seek to love God. This kind of love is against one’s will, a pursuit of emotional pleasure, and God does not need this kind of love. What kind, then, is a love such as yours? For what do you love God? How much true love do you have for God now? The love of most among you is as previously mentioned. This kind of love can only maintain the status quo; it cannot attain eternal constancy, nor take root in man. This kind of love is that of a flower which bears no fruit after it has bloomed then withered. In other words, after you have loved God once in such a way and there is no one to lead you on the path ahead, then you will fall. If you can only love God in the times of loving God and you make no changes to your life disposition afterward, then you will continue to be shrouded by the influence of darkness, unable to escape, and still unable to break free from being manipulated and fooled by Satan. No such man can be fully gained by God; in the end, their spirit, soul, and body will still belong to Satan. This is unquestionable. All those who cannot be fully gained by God will return to their original place, that is, back to Satan, and they will go down to the lake that burns with fire and brimstone to accept the next step of punishment from God. Those gained by God are those who rebel against Satan and escape from its domain. Such men will be officially numbered among the people of the kingdom. This is how the people of the kingdom come to be. Are you willing to be this kind of person? Are you willing to be gained by God? Are you willing to escape from the domain of Satan and return to God? Do you now belong to Satan or are you numbered among the people of the kingdom? Such things should all be clear and require no further explanation.

26 Jun 2018

Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “Those Who Are to Be Made Perfect Must Undergo Refinement”


    “If you believe in God, you must obey God, put the truth into practice, and fulfill all your duties. Additionally, you must understand the things you should experience. If you only experience being dealt with, being disciplined, and judgment, if you are only able to enjoy God, but you are unable to feel when God is disciplining you or dealing with you, this is unacceptable. Perhaps in this instance of refinement you are able to stand your ground. This is still not enough; you must march forward. The lesson of loving God is endless, and there is never an end to it. People see believing in God as too simple, but once they gain some practical experience, they realize that belief in God is not as simple as people imagine. When God works to refine man, man suffers, his love of God becomes greater, and more of God’s might is revealed in him. The less man’s refinement, the less his love of God, and the less God’s might is revealed in him. The greater his refinement and pain and the more his torment, the deeper his true love of God will be, the more genuine his faith in God will be, and the deeper his knowledge of God will be. In your experiences you will see that those who suffer great refinement and pain, and much dealing and discipline have a deep love of God, and a more profound and penetrating knowledge of God. Those who have not experienced being dealt with have but a superficial knowledge, and can only say: “God is so good, He bestows grace upon people so that they can enjoy Him.” If people have experienced being dealt with and disciplined, then they are able to speak the true knowledge of God. So the more wondrous God’s work in man is, the more valuable and significant it is. The more impenetrable it is to you and the more incompatible it is with your notions, the more God’s work is able to conquer you, gain you, and make you perfect. The significance of God’s work is so great! If He did not refine man in this way, if He did not work according to this method, then God’s work would be ineffectual and without significance. This is the reason behind the extraordinary significance of His selection of a group of people during the last days. It was said before that God would select and gain this group. The greater the work He carries out within you, the deeper and purer your love. The greater the work of God, the more man is able to get a taste of His wisdom and the deeper is man’s knowledge of Him. During the last days, 6,000 years of God’s plan for management will come to an end. Can it possibly end just like that, so easily? Once He conquers mankind, will His work be over? Can it be so simple? People imagine that it’s so simple, but what God does is not that simple. No matter what part of God’s work it is, all is unfathomable to man. Were you able to fathom it, then God’s work would be without significance or value. The work done by God is unfathomable; it is too much at odds with your notions, and the more irreconcilable it is with your notions, the more it shows that God’s work is meaningful; were it compatible with your notions, then it would be meaningless. Today, you feel that God’s work is too wondrous, and the more wondrous it is, the more you feel that God is unfathomable, and you see how great God’s deeds are. If He only did some superficial, perfunctory work to conquer man and then that was it, then man would be incapable of beholding the significance of God’s work. Although you are receiving a little refinement now, it is of great benefit to the growth of your life—and so such hardship is of the utmost necessity to you. Today, you are receiving a little refinement, but afterward you will truly be able to behold the deeds of God, and ultimately you will say: “God’s deeds are so wondrous!” These will be the words in your heart. Having experienced God’s refinement for a while (the trial of[a] service-doers and the times of chastisement), some people ultimately said: “Believing in God is really difficult!” This “difficult” shows that God’s deeds are unfathomable, that God’s work is possessed of great significance and value, and is highly worthy of being treasured by man. If, after I have done so much work, you had not the slightest knowledge, then could My work still have value? It will make you say: “Service to God is really difficult, the deeds of God are so wondrous, God truly is wise! He’s so lovely!” If, after undergoing a period of experience, you are able to say such words, then this proves that you have gained God’s work in you. One day, when you’re abroad to spread the gospel and someone asks you: “How is your faith in God?” you will be able to say: “God’s actions are so marvelous!” As soon as they see you say this, they’ll feel that there’s something within you and that God’s actions truly are unfathomable. This is truly bearing witness. You will say that God’s work is full of wisdom, and His work in you has truly convinced you and conquered your heart. You will always love Him because He is more than worthy of mankind’s love! If you can speak to these things, you can move people’s hearts. All of this is bearing witness. If you are able to be a resounding witness, to move people to tears, that shows that you truly are one who loves God. That’s because you are able to act as a witness of love for God and God’s actions can be expressed through you. And through your expression, other people can seek out His actions, experience God, and they’ll be able to stand steady in whatever environment they find themselves in. Only bearing witness this way is genuinely bearing witness, and this is exactly what is required of you now. You should say that God’s actions are extremely valuable and worthy of being treasured by people, that God is so precious and so abundant, He can not only speak, but even more He can refine people’s hearts, bring them enjoyment, and He can gain them, conquer them, and perfect them. From your experience you will see that God is very lovable. So how much do you love God now? Can you really say these things from your heart? When you are able to express these words from the depths of your heart you will be able to bear witness. Once your experience has reached this level you will be capable of being a witness for God, and qualified for it. If you don’t reach this level in your experience, then you will still be too far off. It’s normal for people to have weaknesses in refinement, but after refinement you should be able to say: “God is so wise in His work!” If you are truly able to take in practical recognition of this, it is precious, and your experience is valuable.

22 Apr 2018

Christian videos | "Perilous Is the Road to the Heavenly Kingdom" (1) - Eastern Lightning Shakes the Religious World

Eastern Lightning—the appearance and work of God in the last days has rocked all sects and denominations, and all kinds of men have been revealed. Many good sheep in the church would prefer to suffer unbridled arrest and persecution by the Chinese Communist Party just to seek and investigate Eastern Lightning. Some people, however, believe the words of pastors and elders and persist in refusing to investigate Eastern Lightning, while others, though being fully aware that Eastern Lightning bears witness to the truth, do not dare to seek and investigate it out of fear of persecution by the Chinese Communist Party. Why are good sheep in the church able to investigate Eastern Lightning? Are those people who are unable to seek and investigate God's work in the last days able to enter the kingdom of heaven after all? This short video brings you inspiration.

the truth, kingdom of heaven, the last days, Love of God, God's work


Classic Words on How to Practice Love of God

The Church of Almighty God was founded by Almighty God personally

3 Apr 2018

Crosstalk From Christian Church "Our Pastor Said …" | Who Should We Listen to as We Believe in God?

Yu Shunfu is a believer in the religious world who looks up to and worships pastors and elders. She thinks "pastors and elders were all established by God, and obedience to pastors and elders is obedience to God," so she listens to her pastor in all she does, even in the matter of welcoming the Lord's return. But through a brilliant round of debate, Yu Shunfu comes to see that abiding by religious conceptions is absurd and unreasonable, and finally she realizes that magnifying God comes first in belief, and that one should reserve the "temple" of the heart for God. So, she chooses to seek and investigate the true way on her own …


The Church of Almighty God was founded by Almighty God personally

The Eastern Lightning—The Light of Salvation

Classic Words on How to Practice Love of God

2 Apr 2018

Bible Prophecy Has Come True | "How Exactly Does the Lord Come" (Crosstalk) | Christian Variety Show

In the last days, the mood of Christians awaiting the return of the Lord Jesus becomes more intense, but how, exactly, will the Lord return? Some say, "The Lord Jesus will come with clouds." Others say, "The prophecies predicting His return also state, 'Behold, I come as a thief' (Rev 16:15). 'But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation' (Luk 17:25). 'And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him' (Mat 25:6). If He comes with clouds for all to see, how do we explain the mystery of Him coming in secret, suffering, and being rejected, as well as saying that others will testify about His return?" How will the Lord appear to us? The humorous crosstalk How Exactly Does the Lord Come attempts to resolve our doubts about the issue.


The Origin and Development of the Church of Almighty God

Hymns of the Church of Almighty God

Understanding the Eastern Lightning

Classic Words on How to Practice Love of God

What is judgment?

28 Mar 2018

French Authorities Deporting Church of Almighty God Members: Accomplice of Persecution - Eric Roux

On March 1, 2018, during the 37th session of the Human Rights Council at the United Nations in Geneva, the Coordination of the Associations and Individuals for Freedom of Conscience (CAP LC) organized a Side Event on the denial of religious freedom in China and the case of The Church of Almighty God (CAG). Because of the snow in Geneva, the airport was closed and Mr. Eric Roux, the president of EIFRF (European Interreligious Forum for Religion Freedom), was absent and Mr. Ivan Arjona-Pelado, the president of Foundation for the Improvement of Life Culture and Society, read a report written by Mr. Eric Roux in the event.


About the Church of Almighty God

Where Does Eastern Lightning Come From?

Classic Words on How to Practice Love of God

Each sect within the religious world believes that their way is the true way, so how does one distinguish the true way from false ways?