
Showing posts with label christian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christian. Show all posts

12 Mar 2018

Best Christian Movie | Can Money Buy Happiness? | "Fortune and Misfortune" (English Dubbed)

Because she came from an impoverished family, from an early age Du Juan was determined to make a lot of money to live a better life. In order to realize this aim, she left school early on to do manual work, whatever she could do to earn money. She did not complain when the work was hard and tiring. However, she did not achieve the desired result. Regardless of how hard she worked, she could not attain the life that she wanted for herself. In 2008, harboring the dream of making a lot of money, she and her husband went to Japan to work. After a few years, the pressure of onerous work and the excessive working hours caused her to collapse from fatigue. The results of hospital investigations made her mood plummet to an all-time low, but in order to realize her ideals, Du Juan was not prepared to give in. She continued to work, carrying her illness, her mind set on struggling on. Eventually, the torture of her condition forced her to halt the progress of her pursuit of money. In the midst of her pain, she began to reflect: Why after all does man live this life? Is it worth it to risk one's life for the sake of money? Is it the case that a life of money is a happy life? These doubts constantly roamed about in her mind. Not long after, Almighty God's salvation of the last days came to her. From the words of Almighty God, she came to know the source of man's life of pain, and she also understood what man should live for, and how to live before he can have a meaningful human life…. Whenever she thought of this experience, Du Juan would sigh with emotion: This bout of illness had really made her obtain blessing from woe! 


The Origin and Development of the Church of Almighty God

The Eastern Lightning—The Light of Salvation

The Return of the Lord Jesus

Expression of the Returned Lord Jesus

7 Mar 2018

Christian Song | God Is Sovereign Over all Things | "None Can Hinder God's Work"

Christian Song | God Is Sovereign Over all Things | "None Can Hinder God's Work" | The Church of Almighty God

God’s work, God’s work, none can ever hinder God’s work.

When God promised Abraham that he would have a son, 
he thought it impossible, he thought it was a joke. 
Whatever man does or thinks, it’s not relevant to God. 
All proceed by God’s time and plan; that’s the rule of His work. 
God’s management, immune to things and man. 
All will be done on time as designed. 
None can ever hinder God’s work, God’s work. 
None can ever hinder God’s work.

God doesn’t interfere in man’s thoughts,  
nor quit His plans or work because they don’t believe or understand. 
By God’s thoughts and plans, things are then done. 
As what we see in the Bible, He chose Isaac’s birth.  
God’s management, immune to things and man.  
All will be done on time as designed. 
None can ever hinder God’s work, God’s work. 
None can ever hinder God’s work.

Did man’s behavior and conduct, their meager faith and concepts  
hinder or affect God’s work? No, not even a little. 
God ignores man’s foolishness, their resistance and notions. 
He just does what He must do. 
This is God’s disposition, His supremacy. 
God’s management, immune to things and man. 
All will be done on time as designed. None can ever hinder 
God’s management, immune to things and man. 
All will be done on time as designed. 
None can ever hinder God’s work, God’s work. 
None can ever hinder God’s work, God’s work. 
None can ever hinder God’s work. 
from The Word Appears in the Flesh 


Books of the Church of Almighty God

Searching for the Footprints of God—The Eastern Lightning

Expression of the Returned Lord Jesus

Why Christians Spread the Gospel?

6 Mar 2018

Best Christian Video | "Dawn Light" | How to Find a Church With the Work of the Holy Spirit

Best Christian Video | "Dawn Light" | How to Find a Church With the Work of the Holy Spirit | The Church of Almighty God

As a child, Yangwang followed her parents in their faith in the Lord, and as an adult she served the Lord in the church. In 2013, her church joined the World Council of Churches, which advocates universal church unification and religious pluralism. Believing that her pastors and elders' insistence on joining the Council was a departure from the Lord's way and not in accord with the Lord's heart, eventually she left her denomination and began to search for a church with the work of the Holy Spirit. But, after visiting several, she found that all the denominations were desolate, and that there was no light in the preaching of their pastors and elders. She could find no provision of life, and her spirit was withering and turning to darkness. In her pain, she often called to the Lord, asking the Lord to return quickly. … One day, she went online to search for information about the return of the Lord, where she saw a video in which the words of Almighty God were read. Almighty God's words shocked her soul. She felt they had authority and power and seemed like the voice of God. To determine whether Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus, she began to seek out and examine Almighty God's work in the last days. Through reading Almighty God's word and hearing the fellowship of witnesses, she resolved her confusion. She discovered that the word of Almighty God is entirely truth, that it is indeed God's voice, and that Almighty God is the Lord Jesus whose return she had spent years longing for. Since, she has read the word of God every day, thereby nourishing her thirsty soul, and truly receiving the water of life which flows from the throne. 


Searching for the Footprints of God—The Eastern Lightning

28 Feb 2018

The Church of Almighty God | The Testimony of a Christian | Experiencing the Tribulations, I Was Accompanied by God’s Love

The Testimony of a Christian | Experiencing the Tribulations, I Was Accompanied by God’s Love | The Church of Almighty God

Wang Yu    Henan Province

    My name is Wang Yu. I’m 76 years old. In 1978, I believed in the Lord Jesus because of illness. I received much grace during my believing. Because of that, I was very zealous in working for the Lord, giving messages and preaching the gospel everywhere and also hosting the brothers and sisters. Very soon, the believers in our church increased to over 2000. Then, the persecution of the CCP government also came. In order to stop me from believing in God and preaching the gospel, the policemen searched my house many times. Each time, they would take away anything that was worth some money and could be moved at my home, and they even unscrewed the light bulbs and took them away. Moreover, I was arrested and imprisoned by the Public Security Bureau a dozen times. In 1996, I accepted Almighty God’s end-time work. Two years later, I experienced more frenzied arrest and persecution of the CCP government. Although having undergone a great many afflictions, I felt God’s salvation and love for me.

21 Feb 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Best Christian Family Movie "Where Is My Home" | God Gave Me a Happy Family

Best Christian Family Movie "Where Is My Home" | God Gave Me a Happy Family | The Church of Almighty God

Wenya's parents separated when she was two, and after that she lived with her father and stepmother. Her stepmother couldn't stand her and was always arguing with her father. He had little choice—he had to send Wenya to her mother's house, but her mother was fully focused on running her business and didn't have any time to take care of Wenya, so she was often shuttled off to her relatives' and friends' homes to be fostered. After so many years of a life of foster care, young Wenya felt lonely and helpless, and longed for the warmth of a home. Only when her father and stepmother divorced did she return to her father's side, and from then on had a home, for better or for worse.

Once Wenya grew up, she was very cautious and obedient, and she studied hard. But just as she was working hard to prepare for her college entrance examinations, misfortune came upon her: Her mother had a brain hemorrhage and became paralyzed and bedridden. Her stepfather abandoned her mother and even took control over all of her assets, and then her father was hospitalized with liver cancer…. Wenya could not possibly take on the burden of the household, so all she could do was plead with relatives and friends, but she was turned down. …

Just as Wenya was suffering and without recourse, two sisters from the Church of Almighty God bore witness to Wenya, her mother and sister on the work of Almighty God in the last days. They came to understand the root of pain in people's lives from the words of Almighty God, and understood that only if people come in front of God can they gain God's protection and live in happiness. Only through the comfort of God's words were mother and daughters able to come out from their pain and helplessness. Wenya genuinely experienced the love and mercy of God; she finally felt the warmth of a home, and came into a true home. … 


Searching for the Footprints of God—The Eastern Lightning

12 Oct 2017

The Church of Almighty God | "The Heart's Voice of a Created Being" Christian Music Video

The Church of Almighty God | "The Heart's Voice of a Created Being" Christian Music Video

I wanted to cry, but no place felt right.
I wanted to sing, but no song was found.
I wanted to express the love of a created being.
Searching high and low, but no words could say, could say just how I feel.
Practical and true God, the love inside my heart.
I lift my hands in praise, I rejoice that You came into this world.

30 Jul 2017

Movies of the Church of Almighty God | Short Film "God Does Not Have the Heart to Let Me Fall into Hades"

Born in a Christian family, he has longed for light and goodness since childhood. Working so hard and striving to be strong, he was promoted from an ordinary policeman to Chief of the Public Security Division of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. However, in this dark and evil society, he was drawn into the abyss of sin and gradually became cold-blooded and ruthless and became a puppet and accomplice of the evil power. Almighty God’s salvation knocked at his heart one time after another, and finally he was conquered by the word of Almighty God and walked out of the dark hell on earth step by step. It is Almighty God’s word that awakened his numb heart. From then on, he walked onto the right way of human life.

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd. It was definitely not created by a person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God's sheep hear God's voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.

17 Jul 2017

Almighty God| Second Coming of Jesus Christ| In the Devil’s Dark Prison, I Was Accompanied by God’s Love

Yang Yi    Jiangsu Province
I’m a Christian in the Church of Almighty God. I’ve followed Almighty God for more than ten years. In the years of my following God, what is the most unforgettable is the great tribulation of my being arrested by the vicious police of the CCP ten years ago. In that tribulation, I was greatly afflicted and trampled by the devils and my life was at stake and death was imminent many times, but Almighty God led and kept me with his mighty hand, so that I was brought back to life and got safely out of danger…. It made me truly taste the supernaturalness and greatness of God’s life power and gain the precious wealth of life God bestowed to me.