
Showing posts with label praise song. Show all posts
Showing posts with label praise song. Show all posts

27 Aug 2019

A Hymn of God's Words "The Significance of God's Two Incarnations"

A Hymn of God's Words | "The Significance of God's Two Incarnations"

God began His work of salvation in the Age of Grace, after the end of the Age of Law. The first incarnation redeemed man from sin through the flesh of Jesus Christ. He saved man from the cross, but man's satanic dispositions lingered on. In the last of days, God judges to purify mankind. It's only when this is done will He end His work of salvation and enter into rest.

9 Mar 2019

2019 Praise Song | "All Things Live in the Rules and Laws Set Down by God"

Praise God Hymn | "All Things Live in the Rules and Laws Set Down by God"

It’s been several thousand years,
and mankind still enjoys the light,
and he still enjoys the air bestowed by God.
Mankind still breathes in the breath
that was exhaled by God Himself.
Yes, he still enjoys the air bestowed by God.
Mankind still enjoys the things
like flowers, fish, insects and birds.
The things created by God, he enjoys them all.
Day and night replace each other. 
The four seasons cycle around,
they alternate as usual, provided by God.
Every manner of creature living amongst all things,
departs and then returns, and then departs again.
In the twinkling of an eye, a million changes happen.
What will never ever change
are their instincts and their laws of survival.

20 Jun 2018

Christian song "Song of Sweet Love"

The Church of Almighty Godpraise song "Song of Sweet Love"

Deep in my heart, it is Your love. So sweet, I get close to You. 
Caring about You sweetens my heart; serving You with all my mind. 
Guiding my heart, it is Your love; I follow Your footsteps of love. 
I shift myself according to Your eyes; love’s showing my heart’s joy. 
Love’s showing my heart’s joy. 
Now I live in another world, no one but You are with me. 
You love me, I love You; no grief or sorrow bothers us. 
No grief or sorrow bothers us. Painful memories pass away. 
Painful memories pass away.