
Showing posts with label the Lord. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Lord. Show all posts

23 Dec 2019

2019 Christian Video | "We Have Welcomed the Lord" (Crosstalk)

Best Christian Video | "We Have Welcomed the Lord" (Crosstalk)

For two thousand years, the greatest hope of the Lord's faithful has always been to welcome His return and be raptured into the kingdom of heaven. What, then, is the most important practice with regard to welcoming the Lord? The Lord Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice" (John 10:27), "[W]hen He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth" (John 16:13). What do these verses have to do with our welcoming of the Lord? What can we do to enable ourselves to welcome the Lord? The crosstalk We Have Welcomed the Lord provides the answers to these questions through the story of two believers from the religious world who welcomed the Lord …


21 Nov 2019

Biblical Prophecy

second coming, the Lord, heaven, glory, The Savior’s Come,

The Church of Almighty God | Biblical Prophecy

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory” (Luke 21:25-27).

More Information: 

Signs of Jesus’ Coming Have Appeared: How Will the Lord Come?

20 Nov 2019

Gospel Movie Clip "Waiting" - How Should We Watch and Wait for the Lord's Second Coming?

 Gospel Movie Clip "Waiting" 

When the Lord comes again, will He descend with the clouds, or will He come as secretly as a thief? How will you face the second coming of the Lord? Will you be too afraid of being misled by a false Christ that you will refuse to seek Him out, or will you act the part of the wise virgin and pay careful attention to God's voice? How should we watch and wait so that we will be able to welcome the Lord when He comes? Watch this short video!


Signs of Jesus’ Coming Have Appeared: How Will the Lord Come?

17 Nov 2019

Biblical Prophecy

The Bible relates the following story: In the middle of the night, someone called out “the bridegroom has arrived.” The wise virgins heard the voice of God and went to greet the bridegroom and attend the wedding feast with Him, while the foolish virgins were locked out beyond the gates. Now, in what kind of people will the prophecy of the wise and foolish virgins be fulfilled? 

Jesus’ return, the Lord, the Bible, voice of God, The Savior’s Come,


Signs of Jesus’ Coming Have Appeared: How Will the Lord Come?

4 Nov 2019

Bible Prophecy Has Come True | "How Exactly Does the Lord Come" (Crosstalk)

Christian Variety Show | "How Exactly Does the Lord Come" (Crosstalk)

In the last days, the mood of Christians awaiting the return of the Lord Jesus becomes more intense, but how, exactly, will the Lord return? Some say, "The Lord Jesus will come with clouds." Others say, "The prophecies predicting His return also state, 'Behold, I come as a thief' (Rev 16:15). 'But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation' (Luk 17:25). 'And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him' (Mat 25:6). If He comes with clouds for all to see, how do we explain the mystery of Him coming in secret, suffering, and being rejected, as well as saying that others will testify about His return?" How will the Lord appear to us? The humorous crosstalk How Exactly Does the Lord Come attempts to resolve our doubts about the issue.


How the Prophecy of the Lord Jesus’ Return Is Fulfilled

26 Oct 2019

A Hymn of God's Word | "The Symbol of God's Disposition"

A Hymn of God's Word  | "The Symbol of God's Disposition"

The disposition of God includes His love and His comfort for mankind,
includes His hatred and His thorough understanding of mankind.
The disposition of God,
the disposition of God
is something the Ruler of all living things
or the Lord of all creation should possess.
The disposition of God,
represents honor, power, and nobility,
represents greatness and supremacy.
The disposition of God.
God is forever supreme and honorable,
and man, forever low and of no value.
For God is forever dedicating Himself for man,
yet man forever takes and labors for himself.

19 Oct 2019

Gospel Movie Clip "Break Through the Snare"- Can Believing in the Bible Represent Believing in God?

Gospel Movie Clip "Break Through the Snare"

The pastors and elders of the world of religion hold to the words of Paul in the Bible that say "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God," believing that the Bible is entirely the words of God and doing all they can to exalt the Bible and bear witness to it, making the Bible and God equal to each other. They believe that the Bible represents the Lord and that a belief in the Lord is a belief in the Bible. So is the Bible really all given by inspiration of God? Is the Lord, is God, within the Bible? Is it the work of God that has given rise to the Bible, or the Bible that has given rise to the work of God? Can the Bible really represent the Lord? This short video will show you to the right path.

Recommendation: Hymns of Praise

27 Jun 2019

English Christian Crosstalk "Waking Up" | The Lord Is Knocking on the Door - Come and Meet the Lord

Just Awake and About To Wake are preachers of a Christian sect who both sincerely believe in the Lord, and who eagerly yearn for His return. But they have always felt puzzled and confused about how the Lord will knock at the door upon His return, and what they should do to welcome Him. When a sister knocks on her door many times to preach God's gospel of the last days, Just Awake finally awakens to reality through a period of seeking and investigation. After hearing Just Awake's experience, About To Wake also awakens from her confusion, and she comes to know that the Lord came in secret long ago, that He incarnated to express His words, that He uses His words to knock at the door of man's heart and that, by carefully listening to God's voice, the wise virgins are able to welcome the return of the Lord and follow God's footprints!

Recommend More: 

Signs of Jesus’ Coming Have Appeared: How Will the Lord Come?

7 Apr 2019

"My Dream of the Heavenly Kingdom" (1) - How to Pursue in Order to Enter the Heavenly Kingdom (1)

Gospel Movie Clip "My Dream of the Heavenly Kingdom" (1) - How to Pursue in Order to Enter the Heavenly Kingdom (1) 

Most believers of the Lord feel that as long as we follow the words of the Lord, practice humility and patience, and follow Paul's example by sacrificing, expending and laboring for the Lord, we will satisfy the will of God. And we will be brought into the heavenly kingdom when the Lord returns. However, have we ever considered whether such a quest would really earn the Lord's praise and admission to the heavenly kingdom? If not, how should we pursue to earn the praise of the Lord and be brought into the heavenly kingdom?

More Information:

Christian Short Film | Warnings of the Last Days From God "The Days of Noah Have Come"