
Showing posts with label God's will. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's will. Show all posts

3 Nov 2019

The Word of God | "The Appearance of God Has Brought a New Age" (Excerpt 1)

The Word of God | "The Appearance of God Has Brought a New Age" (Excerpt 1)

Almighty God says, "For this reason, since we are searching for the footprints of God, it behooves us to search for God's will, for the words of God, for His utterances—because wherever there are new words spoken by God, the voice of God is there, and wherever there are the footsteps of God, God's deeds are there. Wherever there is the expression of God, there God appears, and wherever God appears, there the truth, the way, and the life exist. … If you desire to witness the appearance of God, to follow God's footsteps, then you must first walk away from your own conceptions. You must not demand that God do this or that, much less should you place Him within your own confines and limit Him to your own conceptions. Instead, you should ask how you are to seek God's footprints, how you are to accept God's appearance, and how you are to submit to the new work of God; this is what man should do. Since man is not the truth, and is not possessed of the truth, he should seek, accept, and obey" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).

2 Oct 2019

God's Utterance | "One Must Bear Witness to Truths Concerning the Three Stages of God’s Work of Salvation"

The aim and significance of each of the three stages of God’s work

God’s work, the last days, God's will, God's words, The Kingdom Gospel,

(1) The aim and significance of God’s work in the Age of Law

Relevant Words of God:

The work that Jehovah did upon the Israelites established among humanity God’s earthly place of origin, which was also the sacred place where He was present. He confined His work to the people of Israel. At first, He did not work outside of Israel, but instead, He chose a people He found suitable in order to restrict the scope of His work. Israel is the place where God created Adam and Eve, and out of the dust of that place Jehovah made man; this place became the base of His work on earth. The Israelites, who were the descendants of Noah and also the descendants of Adam, were the human foundation of Jehovah’s work on earth.

17 Aug 2019

Christian Movie Trailer | "Baptism by Fire" | Based on a True Story (English Dubbed)

Christian Movie Trailer | "Baptism by Fire" (English Dubbed)

The Lord Jesus said, "Not every one that said to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 7: 21). Just how should we pursue to become people who do the heavenly Father's will and are obedient to God, so that God will bring us into the kingdom of heaven?
Christian Song Enze was arrested and imprisoned by the Chinese Communist Party for seven years because he believed in God and preached God's gospel. After his release, he insisted on continuing to expend for God by spreading the gospel. He feels that by forsaking his home and career, laboring, and working, he is doing God's will, and that he is certain to gain God's approval and be brought into the kingdom of heaven by God. Later, Song Enze's son becomes seriously ill, putting his life in danger, over which Song Enze bears a grudge against God, attempts to argue with God, and even loses his desire to do his duties. Through what is shown to him by the facts of his situation and the revelations in God's word, Song Enze realizes that his many years of forsaking and expending for God were originally an attempt to barter for God's grace and blessings, and that he is not someone obedient to God. Finally, through seeking, he finally learns how to pursue to escape his corrupt dispositions, become truly obedient to God, and be saved by God.

22 Jul 2019

Christian Movie Clip "The People of the Heavenly Kingdom" Clip 2 - How to Resolve Deceitfulness and Become an Honest Person Who Brings God Joy

The Lord Jesus said, "Truly I say to you, Except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 18:3).
Cheng Nuo, a Christian, never stops seeking to be an honest person. After several years of undergoing God's work, she tells lies much less frequently and works for the church from early in the morning to late at night, suffering and expending herself. She thinks of herself as an honest person who is in line with God's will. But when her husband is seriously injured in an unfortunate accident, misunderstandings and complaints of God begin to grow in her heart and she loses her desire to perform her duty. Through God testing and exposing her, Cheng Nuo reads God's words and reflects on herself. She sees that even though she lies less frequently since becoming a believer, craftiness and deceitfulness are still within her heart, and expending herself for God has been to conduct a transaction with God, seeking blessings and reward; her selfish, deceitful satanic disposition is still deeply entrenched, and she is not an honest person who brings God joy. She later gains an understanding of her deceitful nature by seeking the truth and finds the path to becoming an honest person and a person of God's kingdom …

19 Jul 2019

The Word of God | "The Age of Kingdom Is the Age of Word" (Excerpt 1)

Almighty God says, "In the Age of Kingdom, God uses the word to usher in a new age, to change the method of His work, and to do the work for the entire age. This is the principle by which God works in the Age of Word. He became flesh to speak from different perspectives, enabling man to truly see God, who is the Word appearing in the flesh, and His wisdom and wondrousness. Such work is done in order better to achieve the goals of conquering man, perfecting man, and eliminating man. This is the true meaning of using the word to work in the Age of Word. Through the word, man comes to know the work of God, the disposition of God, the essence of man, and what man ought to enter into. Through the word, the work God wishes to do in the Age of Word is brought to fruition in its entirety. Through the word, man is revealed, eliminated, and tried. Man has seen the word, heard the word, and become aware of the existence of the word. As a result, he believes in the existence of God, in the omnipotence and wisdom of God, as well as in God's love for man and His desire to save man. Though the word “word” is simple and ordinary, the word from the mouth of the incarnate God shakes up the entire universe; it transforms man's heart, notions, and old disposition, and the way the whole world used to appear. Through the ages, only the God of today works in this manner, and only He speaks thus and comes to save man thus. From this time forward, man lives under the guidance of the word, shepherded and supplied by the word. All humanity has come to live in the world of the word, within the curses and the blessings of God's word, and there are even more human beings who have come to live under the judgment and chastisement of the word. These words and this work are all for the sake of man's salvation, for the sake of fulfilling God's will, and for the sake of changing the original appearance of the world of old creation. God created the world with the word, leads men from all over the universe with the word, and again conquers and saves them with the word. Finally, He shall use the word to bring the entire world of old to an end. Only then is the management plan wholly complete. Throughout the Age of Kingdom, God uses the word to do His work and achieve the results of His work; He does not work wonders or perform miracles; He merely does His work through the word. Because of the word, man is nourished and supplied; because of the word, man gains knowledge and true experience. Man in the Age of Word has truly received exceptional blessings. He suffers no physical pain and simply enjoys the bountiful supply of the word of God; without needing to go seeking or journeying forth, from the midst of his ease he sees the appearance of God, hears Him speak with His own mouth, receives what He supplies, and watches Him personally doing His work. These are things that men in ages past were unable to enjoy, and these are blessings that they could never receive" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).

18 Jul 2019

Questions and Answers: The religious pastors and elders often preach to believers that any preaching that says the Lord has come in the flesh is false. They base this on the Bible verses: “Then if any man shall say to you, See, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect” (Mat 24:23-24). We now have no idea how we should discern the true Christ from false ones, so please answer this question. Answer:

    Answer: The Lord Jesus did indeed foretell that there would be false Christs and false prophets in the last days. This is a fact. But the Lord Jesus also clearly prophesied many times that He would come back. Don’t we believe this? When examining the prophecies of the Lord Jesus’ return, many people give priority to being wary of false Christs and false prophets, and spare no thought to how to welcome the arrival of the Bridegroom, and how to hear the voice of the Bridegroom. What’s the issue here? Isn’t it a case of not eating for fear of choking, of being penny-wise and pound-foolish? In fact, no matter how we guard against false Christs and false prophets, if we do not welcome the return of the Lord, and we cannot be taken before God’s throne, we are foolish virgins who are eliminated and forsaken by God, and our belief in the Lord is an utter failure! Key to whether or not we can welcome the return of the Lord is whether or not we are able to hear the voice of God. As long as we recognize that Christ is the truth, the way, and the life, we will have no difficulty in identifying the voice of God. If we can’t discern what is the truth, and only focus on the signs and wonders, then we will surely be deceived by false Christs and false prophets. If we do not seek and examine the true way, then we will never be able to hear the voice of God. Are we not waiting for death, and bringing about our own destruction? We believe in the words of the Lord: God’s sheep hear the voice of God. Those who truly have brains, and caliber, and can hear the voice of God will not be deceived by false Christs and false prophets. For false Christs and false prophets are without the truth, and unable to do the work of God. This is not something we need to be concerned about. Only those who are confused and brainless can be deceived by false Christs and false prophets. The clever virgins will not be deceived by false Christs and false prophets, because they have God’s care and protection. When God made man, the clever virgins were given the spirit of man and able to hear the voice of God. So God’s sheep hear His voice, which is ordained by God. Only foolish virgins devote themselves to guarding against false Christs and false prophets, and neglect to seek and examine the Lord’s return. If we wish to welcome the return of the Lord, and not be deceived by false Christs and false prophets, then we must understand how false Christs deceive people. Actually, the Lord Jesus has already told us about the deceitful practices of false Christs and false prophets. The Lord Jesus said: “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect” (Mat 24:24). The words of the Lord Jesus show us that false Christs and false prophets mainly rely on performing signs and wonders to deceive God’s chosen people. This is the primary manifestation of false Christs’ and false prophets’ deception of people. In this, we must understand why false Christs and false prophets use the signs and wonders to deceive people. Above all, it is because false Christs and false prophets are utterly devoid of the truth. In nature and substance, they are extremely wicked evil spirits. So they have to rely on signs and wonders to deceive people. If false Christs and false prophets were possessed of the truth, they wouldn’t use signs and wonders to deceive people. Looked at in this way, false Christs and false prophets perform signs and wonders because that’s all they can do. If we can’t see this, then it will be extremely easy for them to deceive us. Only Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. The One who can express the truth, and show mankind the way, and give them the life is the One who is Christ. Those who are incapable of expressing the truth are surely false Christs, they’re fakes. This is the basic principle of identifying false Christs and false prophets. All those who seek and examine the true way should abide by this principle to seek and ascertain the voice of God, and in this they do no wrong.

4 Jul 2019

2019 Christian Movie Trailer | "The Price We Must Pay" | Based on a True Story

Christian Movie Trailer "The Price We Must Pay"

The Lord Jesus said, "Not every one that said to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 7:21). Just how should we pursue to become people who do the heavenly Father's will and are obedient to God, so that God will bring us into the kingdom of heaven?
Christian Song Enze was arrested and imprisoned by the Chinese Communist Party for seven years because he believed in God and preached God's gospel. After his release, he insisted on continuing to expend for God by spreading the gospel. He feels that by forsaking his home and career, laboring, and working, he is doing God's will, and that he is certain to gain God's approval and be brought into the kingdom of heaven by God. Later, Song Enze's son becomes seriously ill, putting his life in danger, over which Song Enze bears a grudge against God, attempts to argue with God, and even loses his desire to do his duties. Through what is shown to him by the facts of his situation and the revelations in God's word, Song Enze realizes that his many years of forsaking and expending for God were originally an attempt to barter for God's grace and blessings, and that he is not someone obedient to God. Finally, through seeking, he finally learns how to pursue to escape his corrupt dispositions, become truly obedient to God, and be saved by God.

2 Jun 2019

What Does the Overcomer in Revelation Mean?

By Xuezhi

    When they hear about “overcomers,” most Christians think those who labor and work for the Lord, who can keep the Lord’s name, who can sit in prison for years without denying the Lord, and who experience all kinds of persecutions and tribulations and yet can still stand witness, are the overcomers referred to in Revelation. Is that view correct? What, exactly, do the overcomers in the Bible refer to?

20 May 2019

God's voice "How to Know God's Disposition and the Result of His Work" (Part One)

God’s words in this video are from The Word Appears in the Flesh. The content of this video: The Outcome’s Weight in People’s Hearts People’s Beliefs Cannot Substitute for the Truth There Are Many Opinions Concerning the Standard With Which God Establishes Man’s Outcome


What is knowing God exactly? Can an understanding of Bible knowledge and theological theory be considered as knowing God?

7 Apr 2019

"My Dream of the Heavenly Kingdom" (1) - How to Pursue in Order to Enter the Heavenly Kingdom (1)

Gospel Movie Clip "My Dream of the Heavenly Kingdom" (1) - How to Pursue in Order to Enter the Heavenly Kingdom (1) 

Most believers of the Lord feel that as long as we follow the words of the Lord, practice humility and patience, and follow Paul's example by sacrificing, expending and laboring for the Lord, we will satisfy the will of God. And we will be brought into the heavenly kingdom when the Lord returns. However, have we ever considered whether such a quest would really earn the Lord's praise and admission to the heavenly kingdom? If not, how should we pursue to earn the praise of the Lord and be brought into the heavenly kingdom?

More Information:

Christian Short Film | Warnings of the Last Days From God "The Days of Noah Have Come"

25 Mar 2019

"The City Will be Overthrown" (4) - Is Interpreting the Bible the Same as Exalting and Bearing Witness for God?


Most people throughout the entire religious world believe that those who are most able to explain the Bible are people who know God, and that if they can also interpret the Bible's mysteries and explain prophecies, then they are people who conform to God's will, and they exalt and bear witness to God. Many people, therefore, have a blind faith in this kind of person and they worship them. So do pastors and elders' explanations of the Bible really exalt and bear witness to God? Almighty God says, "Those who read the Bible in grand churches recite the Bible every day, yet not one understands the purpose of God’s work. Not one is able to know God; moreover, not one is in accord with the heart of God. They are all worthless, vile men, each standing on high to teach God. Though they brandish the name of God, they willfully oppose Him" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).

16 Mar 2019

"The City Will Be Overthrown" (2) - Why Has Woe Befallen the Hypocritical Pharisees?

It is recorded in the Bible that the Lord Jesus condemned the Pharisees with the seven woes. Nowadays, the path walked by the pastors and elders of the religious world is that of the Pharisees and they similarly suffer God's detestation and rejection. So why did the Lord Jesus condemn and curse the Pharisees? It was primarily because they had a hypocritical essence that defied God, because they only paid attention to performing religious rituals and keeping rules, they only explained the rules and doctrines in the Bible and did not put God's words into practice or follow God's commandments whatsoever, and they even discarded God's commandments. Everything they did completely ran counter to God's will and requirements. This was the hypocritical essence of the Pharisees and it was the primary reason for the Lord Jesus hating and cursing them.

Recommend more:

How the Prophecy of the Lord Jesus’ Return Is Fulfilled

11 Mar 2019

Spiritual Warfare: I No Longer Miss Gatherings After I See Through Satan’s Deceitful Schemes

By Xiuhan, Thailand

    Editor’s Note: Gatherings provide the best opportunity to draw close to God and obtain the truth, and yet we, as Christians, are often disrupted by the people, events and things around us, which prevent us from regularly attending gatherings and cause us to lose our normal relationship with God. These things appear to just happen by accident, but what is concealed behind them? How exactly should we deal with these people, events and things so that they do not interfere with our attendance at gatherings?

21 Feb 2019

Christian Skit "Wishful Thinking" Can We Enter the Kingdom of Heaven by Following Paul?

Christian Skit  "Wishful Thinking"  Can We Enter the Kingdom of Heaven by Following Paul?

Li Mingdao is a preacher at a house church. He has believed in the Lord for many years, and has always followed Paul's example, focusing on preaching, work, suffering, and paying a price. He believes that "as long as one labors and works, one can enter the kingdom of heaven, be rewarded, and gain a crown." But, at a meeting with his coworkers, Brother Zhang raises doubts about this view. Li Mingdao, not convinced, returns home, and after researching the Bible, engages in an intense debate with Brother Zhang…. Is labor and work for the Lord doing God's will? Does pursuing this way ultimately allow one to be lifted up and enter the kingdom of heaven? Watch the skit Wishful Thinking to find out.


How should one understand Almighty God's appearance and work?

13 May 2017

God Puts His Hope Completely on Man

From the beginning until now,
only man's able to converse with God.
That is,
only man is able to converse with God,
all living things and what He created.
Man has ears to hear, and eyes to see;
he has thoughts, and language,
as well as his free will.
Man has all abilities that are required
to hear God speak
and understand God's will,
and accept God's commission,
and accept the commission from God,
and so God puts all His hope on man.
He wants to make man a companion of His,
who is of
the same heart and mind with Him,
and who can
walk together with Him.