
28 Feb 2019

Why Are People Addicted to Their Phones?

By Yang Yang

   One day, I read a popular saying online that went something like this, “The farthest distance in the world isn’t the other side of the world, it’s sitting next to you while you play with your phone.” No matter if you’re on the subway, on the bus, in a restaurant, or on the streets … at any time of the day, you can always find a certain group of people, phubbers. They have a phone, tablet, or some other gadget in their hand as they watch videos, play games, or look at their friend feed, and their members are primarily young people.

     As technology has developed, the internet has made our lives much more convenient. People can buy what they want without leaving the house, or they can contact different people without going out. But what is brought about by the convenience of the internet? Let’s take a look at the relevant reports.

Daily Devotionals, Believe in God, kingdom of God, the Salvation, voice of God,

27 Feb 2019

2019 Gospel Song "Are You Aware of Your Mission?"

Gospel Song "Are You Aware of Your Mission?" | Do God's Will and Preach the Gospel of the Last Days

Are you aware of the burden, the duty, and the commission on your shoulder?
Where is your historic sense of mission?
How will you be a good master in the next age?
Is your sense of masterhood strong?
How will you explain the master of all things?
Is it really the master of all living things,
or master of all the material world?
What’s your plan on the next step of work?
How many are waiting for you to shepherd?
Don’t you feel your task very heavy?

26 Feb 2019

The Mystery of God’s Kingdom Hidden in the Lord’s Prayer

By Jinyi, United States
    Many Christians believe the kingdom of heaven is in heaven, but the Lord’s Prayer says, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). And the Book of Revelation also says, “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ” (Revelation 11:15). So, is the kingdom of heaven in heaven or on earth? In this article, we reveal the answer for you.

25 Feb 2019

Christian Crosstalk "Last Days' Pharisees" | Who Blocks Christians From Welcoming Lord Jesus' Return

Christian Zhang Yi heard testimony that the Lord had returned, but as he investigated the true way, his pastor and elder tried several times to stop and prevent him, saying, "Any who claim the Lord has come incarnate are spreading heresy and false teachings. Don't listen to them, don't read their words, and don't have any contact with them!" This confused Zhang Yi, because the Lord Jesus clearly said, "And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him" (Matthew 25:6). "My sheep hear My voice" (John 10:27). The Lord's words say that people must be wise virgins and actively seek and listen to the Lord's voice to be able to receive the Lord, but his pastor and elder try everything they can to prevent and limit believers from hearing God's voice. Why are they afraid of believers investigating the true way? … Through debates with his pastor and elder, Zhang Yi finally sees who the Pharisees are in the last days, and who is the real obstacle preventing believers from receiving the Lord.

Know more: 

Are Almighty God and the Lord Jesus One God?

23 Feb 2019

Christian Inspiration: Never Give Up in Adversity

By Xiangnan

    A farmer had an old mule, and one day the old mule accidentally fell into a deep well. Because the well was so deep, the farmer thought there was no way to save the old mule, and he decided to abandon it. But he didn’t have the heart to and, seeing the old mule struggling inside the well, he then decided to use dirt to bury the mule inside the well. When the farmer began to shovel dirt into the well, one spade at a time, the old mule shook off the dirt on its back and then began to climb up onto it. The old mule kept shaking off the dirt and, in the end, because of the old mule’s persistence, the dirt that had been intended to bury it inside the well became the steps it took toward a new life!

Kids Dance | Christian Song "The Son of Man Has Appeared" | The Lord Jesus Has Returned to the World

Gospel Song "The Son of Man Has Appeared"

From the world’s East (East … East ... ),
a ray of light issues forth (light … light ... ),
illuminating all the way to the west.
The Son of man has descended to earth.

The Savior has returned, He is Almighty God.
Expressing the truth, He has begun a new age.
The Son of man has appeared. (Is that right?)
God has come. (Oh!)
He brings humanity the way of eternal life (the way of eternal life).
A new heaven, a new earth, a new age,
a new humanity, a new path, a new life.
New Jerusalem has descended to earth.

21 Feb 2019

EU Parliament: The Church of Almighty God Christians in worse position than Uyghur Muslims

On December 10, 2018, Human Rights Without Frontiers (HRWF) and EU Reporters held a round-table discussion in the European Parliament. The discussion centered around the current situation of religious persecution in China, and focused on the persecution suffered by The Church of Almighty God. Among the participants were EU Parliament member Tomáš Zdechovský, political advisor Dr. Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy, HRWF director Willy Fautre, and HRWF deputy director Lea Perekrests.

More attention:

Does the judgment of the last days mentioned in the Bible refer to Almighty God’s work in the last days?