
17 Jun 2017

little ants

"Did you hear about the colony of ants that ate a horse? There was a colony of ants swarming all over a large horse, and all that was left of the horse was a skeleton. Is that frightening or what? And when the horse rider saw that, where did he escape to? There was a lake nearby, so he ran toward the lake and swam to the other side. He survived that way. But after he had seen that, for the rest of his life he was unable to forget how those tiny little ants unexpectedly had such strength. They had nearly eaten him. If he hadn’t had a horse, the ants surely would have first eaten him, and because there was water between them, the ants weren’t able to make a bridge in time to go eat him. If the water hadn’t been there both the horse and the person would have been eaten together. The strength of the ants can’t be overlooked.” From" God Balances the Relationships Between All Things to Give Mankind a Stable Environment for Survival"in The Word Appears in the Flesh

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