
29 Jun 2017

The Hymn of God's Word"Two Thousand Years of Longing"

That God has become flesh
shakes the religious world,
upsets the religious order,
and stirs up the souls of all
who long for God's appearance.
Who does not marvel at this?
Who does not long to see God?
God has spent years among man,
but man is simply unaware of this.
Today, God Himself has appeared
to renew His old love with man.
After He left from Judea,
God vanished without a trace.
People long to see Him again,
but never have they expected
to reunite with Him here and today.
How could this not bring back
memories of the past?
Two thousand years ago,
Simon son of Jonah met Lord Jesus,
and ate with the Lord
at the same table.
Years of following
deepened his love for Him.
He loved Jesus
to the bottom of his heart.
God has spent years among man,
but man is simply unaware of this.
Today, God Himself has appeared
to renew His old love with man,
to renew His old love with man.

from "Work and Entry (10)"
in The Word Appears in the Flesh

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