
19 Jun 2017

The Hymn of God's Word"God Thoroughly Saves Mankind Through Judgment and Chastisement"

God came to work on earth
to save corrupted humanity.
Past salvation was exhausting
His compassion and mercy,
giving Himself to Satan
in exchange for all of mankind.
God's salvation is now at the end,
separating all according to
their kind.
He is thoroughly saving humanity
through judgment
and chastisement.
All you shall receive will be
His judgment and His chastisement,
as well as His merciless smites.
But there is something
you should know:
There's not a single shred
of punishment
among all of these merciless smites,
all of these merciless smites.
He is thoroughly saving humanity
through judgment
and chastisement.
All you shall receive will be
His judgment and His chastisement.
No matter how harsh His words,
no matter how great His fury,
what befalls you
are words of teaching;
harming you is not His intention.
God does not want to doom you;
His righteous judgment
is to cleanse,
and so too are His merciless trials;
harsh words or smites are
all to save.
God's method of saving mankind
is no longer the same as before.
Today, His righteous judgment
is your salvation
forevermore, evermore.
What do you have to say
in the face of
this judgment and chastisement?
Isn't salvation
what you've always enjoyed
from beginning to the end?
He is thoroughly saving humanity
through judgment
and chastisement.
All you shall receive will be
His judgment and His chastisement.
You have seen God in the flesh,
felt His wisdom and omnipotence,
experienced His smites
and discipline,
but also received
His extreme grace.
Your blessings are greater
than all others,
richer than Solomon's
wealth and splendor.
But would your days
have lasted this long,
if God did not come to be
your Savior, your Savior?
If all God wants is to punish you,
there would be
no need to incarnate.
Punishing you takes just a word.
You would not have lasted
until today.
Do you still not believe
what God says?
He is thoroughly saving humanity.
His righteous judgment
is your salvation,
your salvation
forevermore, evermore.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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