
Showing posts with label Christian Film. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian Film. Show all posts

18 Feb 2019

Christian Family Movie "Where Is My Home" Clip - Only God Can Save Mankind and Free Us From Pain

Gospel movies "Where Is My Home" Clip

Why is there suffering in human life? Many wrestle with this but never find the answer. Wenya and her family encounter an unforeseen change in circumstances, fully tasting the vicissitudes of human relationships. In the end, they find the root of suffering in people's lives in Almighty God's words and come to understand how to cast off their pain and attain true happiness. This wonderful clip, "Only God Can Save Mankind and Free Us From Pain" from the Christian film, Where Is My Home, will help you find the answer.

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Almighty God Has Given Me a Second Chance at Life

28 Jan 2019

The Church of Almighty God | Christian Film Clip - The Rise of the United States and Its Mission

Christian Film Clip - The Rise of the United States and Its Mission

On the basis of adhering to its founding principles of freedom, democracy, and equality … the US has played an important role in stabilizing the global situation and providing a balance for world order. It plays an irreplaceable role in safeguarding and stabilizing the global situation.


God Is With Me—Witnessing a Miracle Amidst Despair

7 Jan 2019

The Church of Almighty God | Christian Film Clip - The Jews Going Into Exile Abroad and the Gospel of the Heavenly Kingdom Being Disseminated

Christian Film Clip - The Jews Going Into Exile Abroad and the Gospel of the Heavenly Kingdom Being Disseminated

After the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, the Jews were cast into exile throughout the world, causing the gospel of the kingdom of heaven to spread to every corner of the globe. Thus do we behold that the wisdom of God is higher than the heavens, and that His deeds are unfathomably miraculous.

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Are Almighty God and the Lord Jesus One God?

30 Dec 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Christian Film Clip - God Coming to Earth and Becoming a Sin Offering

Christian Film Clip - God Coming to Earth and Becoming a Sin Offering

During the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus came among man and was crucified for his sake. He released man from the bondage of the law, and because of the sin offering, mankind enjoyed the Lord's love and mercy…. The coming of the Lord Jesus ushered mankind into a new age. Meanwhile, it improved the relationship between God and man, and opened up a new beginning, a new start to God's work of management among mankind.

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Almighty God Is the One True God Who Rules Over All Things.